As explained in our press release, the Libertarian Party is encouraging individuals to protest the decision made by Facebook to refuse advertisements that advocate for the legalization of marijuana.

As noted by Wes Benedict, "We recognize Facebook’s right to control their content and censor whoever they want. But we’re also exercising our First Amendment right to complain about their bad decision, and to alert other consumers to put pressure on them."

The pro-legalization group ‘Just Say Now’ has created a petition asking Facebook to change its policy.

‘Just Say Now’s’ advisory board includes many influencial liberty minded individuals. Among them,

  • Bruce Fein (author of American Empire: Before the Fall)
  • Michael Ostrolenk (National Director of Liberty Coalition)
  • Doug Bandow (Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute)
  • Paul Armentano (Deputy Director of NORML)

The petition can be found here (Keep in mind that your information will be sent to ‘Just Say Now’)