I now have a Facebook page for my U.S. Senate campaign: http://www.facebook.com/dfnolan#!/group.php?gid=117896281588894&ref=mf

If you have a Facebook account, you can sign up to receive campaign news as it happens, along with the usual puff-stuff that all campaigns put out.  Sign up now, and click the "Share" button to share it with all your FB friends!

Also, my brand-new, super-cool website will be up and running at www.nolan2010.org in the next day or two.  The old, temporary page will stay up ’til then.  Many, many thanks to libertarian grapgic designer Rob James for all his work on the new site.  It’s really great!  If you need assistance on preparing a top-notch web page, contact Rob at rjames@rjswave.com