The Libertarian Party of Georgia‘s Executive Director, Brett Bittner, wrote an excellent piece and with his permission I am reposting it here on

Recently, I came across an interesting piece on Seth Godin’s blog about the fear of giving.

As Libertarians, we have a reputation of acting in our own self-interests.  This is a reputation very much deserved, as it aligns with our beliefs with regard to individual liberty and personal responsibility, but it also accurately portrays our political giving.  As individuals we act in our own self-interest, but as a group, we fail to adequately fund groups and candidates in line with our principles.  The analogy used in that piece about giving was one that showed that in an emergency situation, one rarely considers the cost of action:
 ‘If you are walking by a pond and you see a child drowning, do you save her? What if it means ruining a very fancy pair of Italian shoes?’ Okay, if we assume the answer is yes, then why not spend the cost of those shoes to save 20 kids who are starving to death across town or the world? There’s really no difference. Or by, extension, invest in research or development that solves a problem forever… The issues are proximity and attention.
As we face the ever-growing threats to our liberty, it would seem that Libertarians, as well as others who’ve come to "see the light," would be clamoring to give money to their local Libertarian Party affiliate, their state’s Libertarian Party, the national Libertarian Party, and the candidates that they field to run for office against the two-headed snake of Big Government’s Republican and Democratic wings.  That is not the case, however.  In addition to being encouraged by members of both of the "major parties" to drop out or run as one of them, Libertarians face a financial challenge as their membership and those friendly to the "Party of Principle" have decreased or ceased their contributions to the groups that need their support the most, at a time that would qualify as an "emergency."
Godin points out the success of the Mormon church (as well as many of the Christian religions) as they set a standard for how to become and remain a member in good standing with regard to financial matters:
The Mormon Church says, ‘tithe’. Loosely paraphrased, they say, ‘10% is a lot, and 10% is enough.’ This is actually very smart, because they’ve created a difficult but achievable standard, a way to be a member of good standing in their tribe.

When my dad ran the local United Way drive as a volunteer, he pushed for one percent. ‘One percent isn’t a lot, but it’s enough.’
My question to you is "How much is enough?"  If I asked you to contribute a certain percentage or a dollar amount to support our party and cause of liberty, what would that number be?
My last question for you to consider is this:  How much is your liberty worth?