The Libertarian National Committee would like to recognize Daniel Kamerling as an outstanding and exceptional volunteer.  As a person who has been voting Libertarian for almost a decade, Daniel volunteers because he "thinks the Libertarian Party has a lot of good ideas to help America, and [he] wanted to spread those ideas beyond [his] own circle of friends and family." 

He has been coming into the National Headquarters office for the past few months, assisting with Operation Elect-Us and various other national events. 

Volunteers like Daniel are the backbone of the liberty movement.  Without people like him we could never be as effective in spreading the message of freedom.

Daniel says that his favorite thing about helping out is that he "loves meeting Libertarians from all across the country and learning their story.  The party is so diverse and it is energizing to know that we can all get behind the same banner of liberty."

Daniel plans to continue aiding the national headquarters in the future, and will still remain active with his local party affiliate, LP NOVA. 

Remaining optimistic about the future is not hard for Daniel. "I’m confident that the bright engineers and scientists coming out of our education system will find innovative ways to solve many of the challenges we face as a nation," he says. "Social responsibility, academic respect, and economic security are very powerful motivators."

The Libertarian Party sincerely appreciates the hard work and dedication of its unpaid volunteers. Working together across the country, we can affect real change in our system of governance.
If you would like to contribute your talents to the Libertarian Party, please sign up to volunteer at