Message from the Libertarian Party of West Virginia:

The LPWV has just kicked off our 2010 and 2012 ballot access drive. This will require some 20,000 total signatures state-wide. This isn’t cheap, and we need your help! Our petitioning team is on the ground right now in Morgantown collecting signatures for our candidates for the 44th district state house of delegates, Monongalia county commission, and other state and national offices. We also have many other candidates from around the state lined up who need your help. 

After successful lobbying efforts by Libertarian Party activists, we recently passed a bill which cuts in half the number of valid signatures required to get our candidates on the ballot, so there’s never been a better time to attain ballot access in WV.  We expect to attain major party status here beginning in 2012, and it all starts here, now, and with you! 

Please help us ensure that voters have a Libertarian choice.  Consider donating generously at or by mailing a check or money order payable to LPWV to:
P.O. Box 4428
Star City, WV 26504

Contributions to the LPWV are not tax-deductible.  Please include your full name, address, and phone number.