More bad news for the Obama administration.  Support for his $1.2 trillion government expansion plan continues to plummet, with a plurality of voters now opposing it.

Even worse for Obama, half of all voters now say his plan will do more to hurt the economy than help it and Americans are more worried the government will do too much than do too little.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds only 37 percent of voters still support the plan.  A whopping 43 percent oppose the Obama plan.  Twenty percent are not sure.

Most troubling for Obama is where the growing opposition is coming from — the independent voters who elected him and whose support he needs to pass other legislation.  Only 27 percent of unaffiliated voters back Obama’s "stimulus" plan.  Fifty percent oppose it.

That continues a downward spiral for the $1.2 trillion package of wealth transfers and increased government spending.  Two weeks ago 45 percent of voters supported the plan, which dropped to 42 percent last week and now just 37 percent this week.

Opposition grew from 34 percent two weeks ago,  to 39 percent last week and is now up to 43 percent today and still growing.

Fifty percent voters now feel the "stimulus" plan will do more to hurt the economy than help it.  Only 39 percent disagree.  Forty-six percent are worried the government will do too much, only 41 percent feel it may do too little.

A stimulus plan that includes only tax cuts — a plan backed only by Libertarians — is now more popular than the economic recovery plan being considered in Congress.  Both Republicans and Democrats are calling for increased government spending, but they disagree on which party’s supporters should get the pork.

Forty-five percent favor a tax-cut only plan while 34 percent are opposed. That’s an increase in support for tax cuts-only from last week.  Fifty-nine percent of voters are concerned government will raise spending too much.

Overall, 57 percent of voters say tax cuts will do more to improve the economy than bigger spending, including 60 percent of independent voters.  In fact, Rasmussen finds 44 percent of voters now say they’d vote for a candidate who opposed all tax increases rather than one who promised to raise taxes only on the rich.