An urgent alert from Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform

Ballot Access Bill to be Voted on Next Week

The state of Oklahoma has  the most restrictive ballot access laws in the country. It is nearly impossible for a party (other than the Democrats and Republicans of course) to be able  to achieve a ballot line in the state. To make the already appalling state of ballot access in Oklahoma seem even more egregious, it is illegal to cast a write-in vote.

Now, the tide may finally be turning. But we need your help to make it happen.

Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform (OBAR), a coalition consisting of members from the Oklahoma Libertarian Party, the Oklahoma Green Party, and the Oklahoma Constitution Party, has been fighting since 2004 to reform Oklahoma’s archaic ballot access laws.

Oklahoma House Bill 1072, a bill championed by OBAR, would amend the signature requirements necessary for an Independent or Third Party candidate to achieve the ballot line. The bill has been passed by both the House and Senate, and awaits a conference committee to reconcile differences in the passed versions.

That’s where you come in! We need to get the message to the House Majority leadership that we will no longer stand idly by while Oklahomans are continually stripped of their right to vote for a candidate outside the two party duopoly.

Call or E-Mail the Oklahoma State House Leadership today, and urge them to support HB 1072!

Toll Free Switchboard: 1-800-522-8502


Speaker of the House Chris Benge



Majority Floor Leader Tad Jones



Majority Whip Mike Jackson


When contacting the leadership, make sure to be polite and briefly explain to them that Independent and Third Party voters have been denied the right to vote for their candidates in Oklahoma for far too long.

Even if you don’t live in Oklahoma, we need you to help make a difference, because your own state may be at risk.

The fact is, as long as Oklahoma gets away with having outrageous ballot access restrictions, no state is safe!

Just one state forbidding Independent and Third Party candidates from achieving a ballot line gives other states an excuse to do the same.

Help us make sure that Oklahoma isn’t cited as an example for others who would limit participation in elections across the nation.

Let’s help make Oklahoma an example of how concerned citizens all across this land can change ballot access laws for the better!