Dear friend,

Wendy Jones and Mark Byrne are doing great things for liberty.

Wendy is the Libertarian candidate for the Delaware State Senate in a special election being held today.  To be honest, she’s probably not going to win today.  But what she is doing is speaking with voters on the issues they care about and letting them know how Libertarians will create jobs, cut taxes, curb spending and protect your rights.

It’s working in Wendy’s corner of Delaware.  Voters who never before considered voting for a Libertarian are learning the Libertarian Party is made up of concerned citizens just like them who care deeply about their community.  While they may not all choose to vote for Wendy this time, her strong, principled and effective message of jobs, lower taxes and maximum liberty they can relate to will make it easier for the next Libertarian to work with voters.

Listening to voters, communicating with them on the issues they care about and sharing with them the common ground they already hold with Libertarians is what it takes to build the kind of voter base we need to consistently win elections.  It’s a long process, but it’s one that leads to long-term victory.

It’s already working for our over 200 elected Libertarians – Libertarians like Mark Byrne.  Mark is a member of the Port Huron, Mich. City Council.  A consistent, principled voice for smaller government, Mark is leading the fight to restore prosperity and bring fiscal responsibility to his corner of Michigan.

In a community hit hard by unemployment and a ballooning budget, Mark is holding a conversation with voters letting them know about his hard work to eliminate wasteful city government projects, get government out of what should be private business enterprises so they can be run better without taxpayer subsidies and cut taxes on employers to bring more jobs to Port Huron.

Local governments have a more direct impact on our lives than the federal government, and Libertarians are needed in local government more than anywhere else.  We can get even more Libertarians elected to local government by listening to voters, learning from them about the issues that determine how they vote and sharing with them what elected Libertarians will do to address those problems.

Libertarians like Wendy Jones and Mark Byrne are already hard at work doing that, and getting results.  In city councils, school boards and town boards across the country, it’s our over 200 elected Libertarians and the hundreds of additional appointed Libertarians who are cutting the taxes, eliminating the wasteful spending and rolling back intrusive government.  They get it done because unlike the other two parties, the Libertarian Party is the only party whose values are mainstream America’s values – getting government out of the way of hardworking Americans so they can live freely and create prosperity.

It’s not easy and it’s not going to happen overnight, but slowly and surely Libertarians are building the kind of party that wins elections.  What are you doing to help Wendy, Mark, and all our Libertarian candidates and elected officials get more Libertarians elected?

One way to help is to become a Monthly Pledger to the Libertarian Party.  Your monthly gift of as little as $10 gives the LP a solid foundation to build on so we can continue to recruit and give more support to great candidates like Wendy Jones and elected Libertarians like Mark Byrne.  Just click here to sign up.

Building a political party is a decades-long process that requires you to consistently speak with voters on the issues.  The good news is we already have great candidates like Wendy and over 200 elected Libertarians like Mark.  With your help, we can continue to grow, elect more Libertarians and begin the process of taking back our country.

With optimism,

Donny Ferguson
Director of Communications
Libertarian National Committee

PS – If you are receiving this email, and have not yet become a member of the Party and wish to do so, please click here to sign up to become a member of the only political party dedicated completely to cutting taxes and maximizing liberty. If you need to renew, please do so by clicking here.

PPS – If you have not yet contributed, please click here to consider a donation right now of $25, $50, $100 or $1000 to the Libertarian Party.  Your contribution will be used to grow the Party and expand the message of liberty.  From ads to outreach, every dollar goes towards leading the liberty movement in its fight to restore the Constitution and maximize freedom.