…and many limited-government types aren’t happy.  Prominent blogger Robert Bluey laid out his opposition to Steele’s chair bid in a Jan. 4 posting on RedState.com.

Bluey cites several factors as to why Steele is "the wrong man." Among them are his decision as GOPAC chair to make the group’s third-biggest expenditure a donation to his defunt campaign, mismanagement of his personal finances, his campaigning for politicians who promise to increase government spending, his refusal to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and his likely hiring of Republican National Senate Committee personnel who lost six seats in one cycle and spent $1.2 million on the unsuccessful re-election bid of Lincoln Chaffee.

In a Jan. 12 phone call to Bluey after the posting, Steele reiterated the fact he wants to give pro-government spending Republicans a greater role in the GOP, and stated he even quit one Republican organization after it campaigned for small-government candidates in Republican primaries.