The Libertarian State Leadership Alliance (formerly LP State Chairs) will be holding its annual conference from February 27 to March 1, 2009, in Charleston, SC – and you don’t have to be a state chair to attend.  The conference is open to anyone who has an interest in the future and direction of the Libertarian Party.

In addition to the LSLA Conference, the Libertarian National Committee and the LP’s Bylaws Committee will be meeting over the weekend, as well.  All meetings are open to conference attendees.

Both the conference and the LNC Meeting will be held at the Francis Marion Hotel, which is billed as “Charleston’s Grand Hotel.”  Attendees can expect to enjoy one of the South’s finest hotels at a very reasonable price.  Located in Historic Charleston, the Francis Marion Hotel offers spectacular views of Charleston’s church steeples, antebellum mansions and the famous harbor.  Historic Marion Square, magnificent gardens, museums, antique shops, boutiques, restaurants and nightlife are all within an easy walk from the hotel. Or better yet, take one of the horse drawn carriages for which Charleston is famous.

We’ve managed to negotiate lower rates for your hotel stay. To get this rate, you will need to call the hotel at 843-722-0600 and provide the group code “LIBERTARIAN” to receive a savings of between $30 and $100 per night.  Additionally, all hotel rooms come with free Internet access. 

The Low Country Libertarians will be providing ground transportation to and from Charleston International Airport and local rail stations.  We’ll be announcing additional details about your free ground transportation as these details become available.

The proposed agenda for the LSLA Meeting is as follows:

Friday 27-Feb-09 all day – Bylaws Committee
Saturday  28-Feb-09
–    Opening Comments from LSLA Chair Stephen Gordon & LNC Chair Bill Redpath at 9:30 am
–    What LPHQ Can Do For You at 9:45 am
–    E-Voting 10:15 am
–    Parliamentary Procedure 10:15 am
–    Campus Organization 11 am 
–    Lunch 12 noon
–    LNC Meeting begins at 1:15 pm
–    Overview of the 2008 Presidential Race 1:30 pm
–    Race and Politics 2:30 pm
–    Campaigns and Media 3:30 pm
–    Reception & Banquet 6:30 pm
–    Future of the LP Panel Discussion 8 pm

Sunday, March 1st
–    LNC Meeting 8:30 am
–    LSLA Business Meeting 9 pm

Additionally, the LSLA Conference is an ideal opportunity for state Libertarian Party leaders to network.  New leaders can learn about what works, and doesn’t work, from people in other states. It’s also a great opportunity to socialize with old friends and make new ones.

There are two registration packages for conference attendees.  The Silver Package covers registration and event costs. It includes a Classic Continental Breakfast on Saturday as well as snacks and drinks throughout the day.  Attendees will receive a binder filled with conference information and other information helpful to people holding leadership positions within the LP. The Silver Package costs $75 and can be ordered online here:

The Gold Package contains everything the Silver Package does, and it also entitles the attendee to participate in Saturday evening activities.  We plan to open the bar around 6:30 for a pre-dinner reception.  Expect an elegant multi-course dinner filled with local culinary delights.  To round out the evening, panelists will debate their views about the future and direction of the Libertarian Party – and audience members will be able to directly ask panelists the questions they would most like answered.  The Gold Package costs $150. To reserve your Gold Package today, simply click here:

The LNC Meeting will be held Saturday afternoon and Sunday all day. The proposed agenda is as follows for this meeting:

Libertarian National Committee, Inc.
February 28-March 1, 2009 Meeting Agenda
Charleston, South Carolina

Saturday, February 28, 2009 & Sunday, March 1, 2009
Call to Order    1:15 PM
(Meet until 6PM Saturday; Continue Agenda Sunday 8AM)   
Moment of Reflection    1 minute
Opportunity for Public Comment    10 minutes
Credentials Report and Paperwork Check (Secretary)    5 minutes
Report of Potential Conflicts of Interest    5 minutes
Approval of the Agenda    5 minutes
Election of LNC At-Large Representative    30 minutes
Standing Reports   
Chair’s Report    10 minutes
Treasurer’s Report    15 minutes
Secretary’s Report    5 minutes
Staff Report   
Staff Reports    60 minutes
Counsel’s Report    15 minutes
Action Items Previously Submitted in Writing   
    0 minutes
Reports Previously Submitted in Writing   
Campus Organizing Report (Lark)    5 minutes
Various Regions    5 minutes per
Action Items Not Previously Submitted in Writing – Old Business   
Mission Statement (Hawkridge)    30 minutes
Goals (Dixon)    60 minutes
Strategic Plan Review (Redpath)    30 minutes
LNC Counsel Selection (Redpath)    30 minutes
Authorization of LNC Lawsuits (Lark)    30 minutes
E-Voting Demonstration (Mattson)    30 minutes
Bylaws Committee Report (Karlan)    5 minutes
LNC Volunteer Confidentiality Form (Redpath)    15 minutes
LNC Meeting Video Recording (was Keaton in San Diego)    15 minutes
LP News Content (was Keaton in San Diego)    15 minutes
Action Items Not Previously Submitted in Writing – New Business   
Membership Recruitment & Renewal Presentation (Ruwart)    15 minutes
Membership Recruitment & Renewal Discussion (Ruwart)    60 minutes
Web 2.0 (Hawkridge)    10 minutes
LNC Convention Committee Report (Colley)    10 minutes
Treasurer Responsibilities in Policy Manual (Ruwart)    30 minutes
LP Oklahoma Ballot Access Lobbying (Redpath)    10 minutes
Set LNC Meeting Sites for July & December 2009    10 minutes
Opportunity for Public Comment    10 minutes

Thank you and we hope to see everyone in Charleston!