Message from the Libertarian Party of Ohio

Although, not formerly endorsed yet, 2010 candidates are listed on the Libertarian Party of Ohio website. Go to and click on the button called "Candidates / Issues" and click the link below called "2010 candidates". The link titled "Candidate Endorsements" can provide information on 2009 candidates. 

If you or someone you know is running as a Libertarian for an Ohio partisan state or federal office in year 2010, they should contact William McDowall, chair of the Candidates and Campaigns committee. Information should be sent to or simply go to the LPO website and click on the large ICON button asking for LP candidates on the lower right hand side. 

Candidates running as a Libertarian that have not yet contacted the LPO to be placed on the website are strongly encouraged to do so. Requirements include a photo, intended office the candidate is seeking, and contact information which should include a phone number, mailing address and/or a web site. 

The public will have an opportunity to meet 2009 and 2010 Libertarian candidates at an all you can eat cookout on Saturday, August 15 2009 from 4:30pm-7:30pm. This event is family-oriented and will be held at the LPO Conference Center located at 2586 Tiller Lane, Suite 2K, Columbus, OH 43231. The cost of the event is $10 for adults 18 years of age and older. Attendees 17 and under will be free. The LPO requests attendees RSVP by email to the event organizer, Curtis Hannah at Any questions may also be sent to 

In Liberty, 
The Libertarian Party of Ohio