(Libertarians are the only party working to give parents more say in their child’s education through school choice, as well as tax credits and vouchers to allow parents to "shop" for better schools with their own tax dollars.)

The Libertarian Party of Marion County, Indiana’s Monthly Business Meeting well be held Tuesday, Aug. 11 at the historic 19th century Athenaeum Building, 401 East Michigan Street, downtown Indianapolis, home of the Rathskeller.

The guest speaker for August’s meeting is Dale Buwalda, State Program Director for the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice. He’ll be leading a special activist training session on School Choice, what it could mean for Hoosiers and how to advocate for it. Whether you are new to the issue, a long-time advocate, or just an observer, it is critical to know the facts about school choice. Through their high-quality research and world-class communications program, they provide the public, the policymakers, and the media with the most up-to-date and accurate information about school choice.

Remember, there is no longer going to be food service available during our meetings, so please eat before you arrive (drinks can be brought up from the restaurant below, but there will be no wait staff). The meeting starts with our guest speaker at 7:00pm sharp, so please arrive a little early to ensure you’re seated by the time the guest speaker starts.

LPMC Business Meetings are always held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. And with your help, they can always be held at the Athenaeum… e-mail the Chair now to pledge a monthly donation of $5-10 or more, to help offset the room rental cost: chair@indylp.org