
Mob Rule or Democracy in Action? Health Care Debate Focuses on Opponents Over Substance

Democrats are stepping up their campaign against opponents of health care reforms, depicting town hall audiences protesting a Democratic-sponsored bill as angry mobs duped into hostile actions by special interest groups.

Democrats are stepping up their campaign against opponents of health care reforms, depicting town hall audiences protesting a Democratic-sponsored bill as angry mobs duped into hostile actions by special interest groups.

The Democratic National Committee released a Web video and e-mail on Wednesday blasting opponents of the 10-year, $1 trillion plan…

…And the Libertarian Party said Obama, a former community organizer, should think twice before approving a campaign that attacks communities for organizing, even if it’s against him.

"Libertarians find it ironic a community organizer is now using the government to try and stop people from organizing their communities," Libertarian National Committee spokesman Donny Ferguson said in a statement.

"Instead of using official edicts to smear, slander and intimidate everyday Americans into silence, Democrats should listen to the majority of Americans and drop their plans for a radical government takeover of their health care."