A poll released today by the independent, non-partisan polling firm of Rasmussen Reports find more good news for advocates of affordable, accessible health care delivered without government control.

By whopping margins, independent Americans oppose President Obama’s proposal for government-run health care.

"Among the unaffiliated, 35% are in favor and 60% are opposed. Notably, just 16% of unaffiliateds Strongly Favor the legislative effort while 47% Strongly Oppose it," Rasmussen reports.

Among Rasmussen’s other findings for all Americans:

* "47% are in favor of the reform effort proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats while 49% are opposed. Those figures include 25% who Strongly Favor the plans and 41% who are Strongly Opposed. "

* "By 50% to 23% margin, voters expect that passage of the congressional health care reform bill will cause the quality of care to go down."

* "Just 23% believe passage of the reform legislation will lead to lower health care costs. Most voters (53%) say it will lead to higher costs, while 18% expect prices to remain about the same."

* "78% believe that health care reform is likely to lead to middle class tax hikes."

* "Americans by a two-to-one margin believe that no matter how bad things are, Congress can always make it worse."

* "70% of those who have health insurance rate their own coverage as good or excellent. A major hurdle for those pushing health care reform is convincing those who already have health insurance that they will be even better off down the road." The Obama plan would eventually eliminate all private health insurance.  Americans with unapproved health care plans would also pay large fines.

* "Thirty-five percent (35%) of voters favor a public health care option while 50% are opposed."

The poll was conducted and released by Rasmussen and not conducted for any party, lobby or organization.