Not exactly as sinister as it sounds, but Michael Munger, the Libertarian candidate for governor in North Carolina, will be holding his own debate where he will respond to questions that he did not get a chance answer after being excluded from gubernatorial debates. 

Munger, chair of the Political Science Department at Duke University, held a "shadow debate" on a local radio station in Raleigh, courtesy of the "Brad and Britt Show" on WZTK 101.1FM. The format will be to replay the questions and answers from the Democrat and Republican candidate’s debate from which Munger was excluded.

"Honestly, I expect more people will hear this than the TV debate," says Munger.

Though running a professional campaign and held in high regard because of his position with Duke University, Munger has been repeatedly mistreated by the political establishment.  But with his ever-present humor and optimism, Munger has always risen above the abuse and rolled with the punches.

For more information on Munger’s campaign, please visit his Web site at