In these last few days, millions of undecided voters will finally make up their minds for a candidate, and will decide the future of the next four years of this country.  As we have since 1972, the Libertarian Party is representing Americans across the nation by running candidates who believe in less government, lower taxes and more individual freedom. 

Unfortunately, some libertarian Americans still believe that voting for a third-party is a wasted vote.  In fact, this is probably the most often-asked question at LPHQ: "Am I wasting my vote by voting for a Libertarian?" 

The hundreds of Libertarians that serve in office, or have served in office since the founding of the Party, will disagree wholeheartedly.  After all, it is because of voters like you that good Libertarians across the country were able to serve their communities in such roles as city council, mayors, judges, and even as state representatives!

But, voting for a Libertarian candidate is never a wasted vote.  In fact, the only way to truly waste your vote is by voting for a candidate just because you feel that person has an entitlement to your vote.  This is how Republicans and Democrats view American voters.  They don’t have to earn the votes, just convince you that you have an obligation to vote for them.

"Voting your principles is never, is never throwing your vote away," says popular radio host Neil Boortz. "I don’t care if it is the only vote for that candidate, if you are voting with your principles, you are not throwing your vote away.  And the implication that you are is offensive."

Third-parties play an important role in our society, and without third-parties, we would be doomed to the unmitigated tyranny of a two-party system. 

"Third parties have always provided an ’emotional bridge’ for voters who are weary of supporting one major party but are not yet ready to vote for the other," writes Richard Winger, editor of Ballot Access News.  "The emotional bridge that a third party provides does more than simply lure voters to the polls; it can also help to turn one of the major parties out of power. Without the third-party bridges, the party-in-power might never be defeated, a situation that could lead to stagnation and tyranny. Third parties performed this function in 1912, when Theodore Roosevelt’s Progressive Party helped the Democrats wrest the White House from 20 years of unchallenged Republican supremacy. To a lesser degree, this may also have occurred in 1992, as Ross Perot’s candidacy probably hurt George Bush more than it hurt Bill Clinton."

This is the power of the Libertarian vote!

But it just doesn’t stop at influencing public policy.  Each vote for the Libertarian Party goes towards helping out the party with ballot access in the next election cycle. 

Take a look at the chart below to see how each vote counts towards building the Libertarian Party a fantastic foundation for 2010 and 2012. 

AL    Any statewide office    20%
AK    Governor or US Senator    3%
AZ    President or Governor    5%
AR    President or Governor    3%
CA    Any statewide, gubernatorial years    2%
CO    Any statewide    1%
CT    Any (each office separate)    1%
GA    Any statewide    1%
IL    Any statewide    5%
IN    Secretary of State    2%
IO    President or Governor    2%
KA    Any statewide    1%
KY    President    2%
ME    President or Governor    5%
MD    President or Governor    1%
MA    Any statewide    3%
MI    Any statewide    1%
MN    Any statewide    5%
MO    Any statewide    2%
MT    Any statewide, either of last 2 elec.    5%
NE    Any statewide    5%
NV    Any statewide    1% (House Vote)
NH    Governor or U.S. Senator    4%
NJ    Lower house of legislature    10% (Statewide)
NM    President or Governor    5%
NY    Governor    1%
NC    President or Governor    2%
ND    Pres., Gov., Sec. Of State, Att. Gen.    5%
OH    President or Governor    5%
OK    President or Governor    10%
OR    Any statewide    1% (House Vote)
RI    President or Governor    5%
SD    Governor    2.50%
TN    Any statewide    5%
TX    Any statewide    5% (2% Gov.)
UT    Any statewide    2% (House Vote)
VA    Any statewide    10%
WA    Any statewide    5%
WV    Governor    1%
WI    Any statewide    1%
WY    U.S. House, Governor or Sec. State    2%

I hope in November you won’t waste your vote by voting for one of the two major parties.  You can have a significant impact on American politics simply by casting a single vote for the Liberta
rian Party.  Why? Because every vote counts for a Libertarian.

And, at least you can walk out of the voting booth with a smile on your face! 

In the words of John Quincy Adams: "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

Live Free,

Andrew Davis
Director of Communications
Libertarian Party

PS – If you are receiving this email, and have not yet become a member of the Party and wish to do so, please click here to sign up to become a member of the only political party dedicated completely to cutting taxes and maximizing liberty. If you need to renew, please do so by clicking here

PSS – If you have not yet contributed, please consider a donation right now of $25, $50, $100 or $1000 to the Libertarian Party.  Your contribution will be used to grow the Party and expand the message of liberty.  From ads to outreach, every dollar goes leading the liberty movement in its fight to restore the Constitution and maximize freedom.