Libertarian Party Gains Ballot Access in Cornhusker State

‘Party of Principle’ Gives Voice to Nebraskans’ Call for More Choice

Lincoln, NE –  Jerry Kosch, chairman of the Libertarian Party of Nebraska, received official notification from the Secretary of State’s office today that the Party’s candidates will be on the ballot come November. By gathering nearly 10,000 signatures from registered voters, the LPNE has successfully added the Libertarian Party and its presidential candidate Bob Barr to the ballot in the Cornhusker state. Nebraska becomes the 30th state to grant access to Libertarian candidates, which also makes it possible to change one’s party affiliation to Libertarian.

"Nebraskans are known for their rugged-individualism while at the same time maintaining close community ties," says LPNE Vice Chairman Michael Compton. "This is Libertarianism at its core.”

"During the petition drive, we heard from thousands of voters that were not happy with the current slate of business-as-usual candidates offered by the two entrenched parties," Compton added. "Many, many Nebraskans are not interested in making a ‘lesser-of-two-evils’ choice between McCain and Obama. We are extremely happy to give them a real choice this election cycle.”

Kosch echoed these statements and added that “although it is a challenge to get our message out, we believe that our message of smaller government, lower taxes, and more freedom will resonate with a wide variety of Nebraska voters.”

If you would like more information on this subject, or to schedule an interview with representatives of the Libertarian Party of Nebraska, please call Mike Compton at 402-515-5127 or email him at


To donate to the Libertarian Party’s ballot access campaign, please click here.