Libertarian National Convention in Denver

Democratic National Convention in Denver

Purely by coincidence (as that we picked first), Denver will play host to both the Libertarian National Convention and the Democratic National Convention this year.  Libertarians descended on Denver at the end of May, enjoying the relaxed and libertarian-friendly environment of Colorado’s capital city.  Absent from the coterie of freedom-loving Libertarians was the presence of judges, chicken wire and a bastion of ACLU attorneys. 

Such will not be the case when Democrats come to town for their convention in late August. 

Democrats, who (at least in rhetoric) decry government abuse of freedom (depending on the rights), will be caging protestors behind chain link fences and chicken wire, such as occurred in Boston at the party’s 2004 National Convention. 

Having fought my own free speech battles against speech zones at my alma mater Clemson University, I know personally the chilling effects of "caging speech" in cordoned speech zones, especially when these zones are quite literally, caged.  One can only hope that the line between the right to protest and the safety of the public is not created from barbwire, cement barricades and chain link fences.