Start the countdown!

Just 10 days left before the presidential election, and we’re making a strong finish down the homestretch. 

Bob Barr is touring the nation, stopping in key battleground states pushing the message of liberty to the undecided voters who will determine the outcome of the election.  Today, he is in Florida with our Libertarian Party getting voters excited about our Libertarian Party candidates in that state. 

Every vote counts this year, as that the more votes the Libertarian Party receives for our presidential candidate, the better we’re set for 2012.  With each percentage we get, the closer we are to saving ourselves the hassle of going through the same ballot access challenges four years from now. 

This is a great investment!

As John McCain slips in the polls, and Barack Obama assumes a commanding lead, there is great opportunity for the Libertarian Party to not only pick up the people who already support the Libertarian Party, but also the people that are looking to send a message this year. 

Barr says Sen. McCain "never appealed to the fiscal conservatives because of his record of increasing the size and power of government. John McCain’s refusal to stand up against the bailout tore the wheels right off the so-called ‘Straight Talk Express’ bus!"
"If you want your vote to count, and go towards a leader dedicated to lowering taxes, cutting spending, and drastically reducing the size of government, then you still have a choice in 2008. That choice is Bob Barr," says Barr.

Please take this time to donate $10 to the Libertarian Party to mark the last 10 days of the presidential election.  Your $10 will help go to finish up our advertising campaigns, and help to fund election activities in these last few days.  If you think you can afford more, please feel free to donate $100 or $1,000 dollars right now!

This year is shaping up to be the best year for the Libertarian Party…EVER!

We’ve already seen an explosion in membership just in these past few months.   If we can get a great foundation set in 2008, there is no telling how high we can soar in 2012.

Now is the time to start planning, and we can start be getting of on the right foot with a donation of $10, $100, or $1,000.

Thank you for all of your support, and remember to VOTE LIBERTARIAN on November 4!

Live Free,

Andrew Davis
Director of Communications
Libertarian Party

PS – If you are receiving this email, and have not yet become a member of the Party and wish to do so, please click here to sign up to become a member of the only political party dedicated completely to cutting taxes and maximizing liberty.  If you need to renew, please do so by clicking here

– If you have not yet contributed, please consider a donation right now of $25, $50, $100 or $1000 to the Libertarian Party.  Your contribution will be used to grow the Party and expand the message of liberty.  From ads to outreach, every dollar goes leading the liberty movement in its fight to restore the Constitution and maximize freedom.