The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.

Hi all,

Recently the Libertarian National Committee created an ad hoc Blockchain Committee to explore the potential benefits that blockchain and distributed ledger technology may provide to the Libertarian Party. Blockchain technology has been made most famous by bitcoin, but there are a host of other potential uses.

The goals of the committee are to evaluate both technical and administrative projects that can demonstrate direct usage of distributed ledger technology, attract liberty-minded folks from within the cryptocurrency community, and provide examples of how the LP and candidates can accept donations in cryptocurrencies. The committee is preparing a report to be presented to the newly elected LNC after the 2018 National Convention in New Orleans. Additional areas of discussion include forming an advisory group for the committee and submitting a list of potential industry professionals who may be interested in serving in that capacity.

The Blockchain Committee invites members of the LP who may have suggestions or want to provide input into these potential processes to contribute to the effort. If you’d like to provide ideas, help with research, work on the document, or just want to join in the conversation or see what we are up to, you can join our Facebook group, or you can email the committee.

We look forward to discussing how blockchain can be used to advance liberty and benefit the LP.

In liberty,

The Libertarian Party Blockchain Committee