Logo - Libertarian PartyLast night the Libertarian Party achieved a number of critically-important ballot access victories, making the LP a recognized party in 38 states, the highest ever after an election in the party’s history.

  • The Texas LP retained ballot access with Railroad Commission candidate Mark Miller receiving over 5 percent. The party would have had to collect over 80,000 signatures to get back on the ballot if no statewide candidate received 5 percent. This will save the party approximately $220,000 in petitioning cost.
  • The LP retained ballot access in North Carolina for four years with Gary Johnson and the gubernatorial candidate, Lon Cecil, each getting over 2 percent. The party would have had to collect over 100,000 signatures to get back on the ballot if neither the presidential nor gubernatorial candidate got 2 percent, saving the party approximately $250,000 in petitioning cost.
  • Iowa and Kentucky are recognized parties for the first time, with Gary Johnson getting over 2 percent in both states.
  • New Hampshire is a recognized party for the first time in two decades due to governor candidate Max Abramson getting over 4 percent.
  • The DC party is recognized for the second time ever, with candidate for Delegate to the US House of Representatives Martin Moulton getting over 17,000 votes.
  • The LP retained ballot access in North Dakota, with Gary Johnson getting over 6 percent.
  • In Connecticut, Libertarian Dan Reale for US House in the second congressional district, Richard Lion for US Senate, and Gary Johnson for President all received over one percent of the vote. As a result, the party will not have to petition in these races in the next election.
  • Massachusetts is a recognized party again, with Gary Johnson getting over 3 percent.
  • West Virginia retained ballot access for four years due to David Moran receiving over 2 percent in his race for governor.