The following awards will be presented during the 2020 LP National Convention in Austin, Texas:

Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award — will be presented to the LP member whose achievements demonstrate outstanding leadership, impeccable character, and dedication to the principles and goals of the party.

Patrick Henry Candidate Award — will be presented to the LP member who has been a very effective candidate for public office at the state or federal level, while communicating Libertarian ideas, principles, and values. Nominees can be candidates in 2018 and thereafter.

Benjamin Franklin Candidate Award — will be presented to the LP member who has been a very effective candidate for public office at the local level, while communicating Libertarian ideas, principles, and values. Nominees can be candidates in 2018 and thereafter.

Thomas Paine Communication Award — will be presented to the LP member who has been an outstanding communicator of Libertarian ideas, principles, and values through written, published, or spoken communications.

Samuel Adams Activism Award — will be presented to the LP member who has been a very effective activist by building party membership, organizing community outreach, or communicating Libertarian principles.

Hall of Liberty — The Hall of Liberty, established in 2012, honors lifetime or significant achievement that has made a lasting impact on the Libertarian Party and/or libertarian movement. Induction into the Hall of Liberty requires a unanimous vote of the Awards Committee. (At most, three people can be inducted at the national convention.)

Submitting Nominations

Nominees for the Jefferson, Henry, Franklin, Paine, and Adams awards must be members of the Libertarian Party (i.e., they have signed the certification). Nominees for the Hall of Liberty need not be members of the Libertarian Party.

LP members should send nominations for these awards (along with supporting documentation) to the Awards Committee at Nominations must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 10, 2020. Your nominations should include the following information (please be concise):

  • Nominated for the _____________ Award/Nominated for the Hall of Liberty
  • The full name of the nominee, along with the nominee’s address and email address. If possible, please provide the nominee’s telephone number(s) and the number of years the nominee has been an LP member. (A photo of the nominee would be helpful.)
  • A general paragraph describing the nominee and (where appropriate) the nominee’s positions in the party, how you learned of his/her achievements, etc.
  • A detailed list of the nominee’s accomplishments that indicate the nominee is worthy of the award.

You are welcome to send links to videos about the nominee. You are also welcome to include the name(s) of people who support this nomination and to suggest people who should be considered to assist with the presentation of the award.

Please indicate whether you will attend the 2020 LP national convention.