Mark West, 2018 Libertarian candidate for governor of Arkansas
Mark West, a former LP candidate for the U.S. House, will be running for governor of Arkansas in 2018, according to Arkansas Online, the digital edition of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state’s largest daily newspaper. From the article:
“West said he is running for governor ‘to try to put an end to the bullying form of politics that Asa Hutchinson has brought to Arkansas.’ He said the Republican governor split the GOP by taking sides in several primary races in the 2016 election and making donations to some primary candidates through the governor’s political action committee.
“‘Libertarians want to scoop up Republicans that will be running from their party,’ West said.
“He said he favors eliminating the state’s version of Medicaid expansion in which the state purchases private health insurance for low-income Arkansans. He said he wants to shift the more than 300,000 enrolled in the Medicaid expansion called Arkansas Works into the free market and cooperatives under which discounted medical care is provided based on income.
“‘There will be services on the free market to meet these needs,’ he said.
“West said he also wants to make state government more efficient, cut taxes and provide more services to veterans.”