Lloyd Princeton headshot, wearing dark suit and orange striped tie, smiling (color photo)

Lloyd Princeton, Libertarian candidate for U.S. Congress, 1st district, New Mexico

Lloyd Princeton announced on Jan. 8 that he is seeking the Libertarian nomination for U.S. Congress in New Mexico’s 1st district. The Associated Press ran a story on Princeton’s announcement, which was published by several media outlets around the country. From the Seattle Times on Jan. 8:

“The race for the Albuquerque-based congressional district in New Mexico is likely to include a third-party candidate after business consultant Lloyd Princeton announced [today] that he will seek the seat as a Libertarian.

“U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham isn’t running for re-election in the 1st Congressional District as she seeks the Democratic nomination for governor against several rivals.

“Libertarian candidates are expected to have ready access to the general election ballot in New Mexico in November because of a strong local showing in 2016 by presidential candidate Gary Johnson.

“Princeton touted his professional experience at devising growth strategies for small businesses and said he wants to improve the state economy and reduce reliance on the federal government. It will be his first campaign for public office.

“‘The two-party system has become about jockeying for power between the parties,’ said the 48-year-old entrepreneur who relocated two years ago to New Mexico from New York City. ‘Government at the federal level is getting exponentially bigger without simultaneously solving the problems for the people.’

“Princeton said he is concerned about an increase in deficit spending under the $1.5 trillion tax cut plan approved last month by President Donald Trump and his Republican allies.

“He said New Mexico and its congressional delegation should focus more attention on fostering small-business activity and that he favors greater state self-determination on issues such as education and health care.”

The Princeton campaign’s written announcement expands on his motive for running and intended focus, should he be elected. From the Jan. 8 statement, “Libertarian Lloyd Princeton Announces Run for Congress”:

“Princeton brings a keen understanding of the role of business and entrepreneurial innovation in a healthy economy and is deeply committed to energizing and growing New Mexico. …[Having] the fourth most Libertarians in the nation, New Mexicans have an opportunity to change up the state’s current bipartisan climate, and that is why he has declared his candidacy as a Libertarian.

“The two-party system is broken and partisan politics is increasingly dividing our country and state. As a Libertarian, I believe that I can help return control of New Mexico to the people of New Mexico. After all, it’s about the people, not the party,’ Princeton said.

“Princeton says he is ready to focus on addressing the key issues he sees holding the state back: its economy and its education and healthcare systems. ‘I’m running for Congress to make a difference. New Mexico is an extraordinary state, but it is experiencing a lack in growth linked to effects of a lingering recession, an over-reliance on federal dollars and, more recently, high volatility in the energy markets. If we don’t work to create an environment that cultivates and incentivizes private industry, we’ll continue to see our economy and job market suffer, and watch our best and brightest leave the state for opportunities elsewhere.”

“‘I’ve spent twenty years working to grow revenues and cultivate talent, and I want to utilize my experience to help our state innovate and grow. …we can either create and work on solutions that help us grow, or keep things the way they’ve always been. If we want different results, we have to oppose the establishment.’”

Learn more at Princeton’s campaign website: LloydPrinceton.com

This AP article was picked up also by the San Francisco Chronicle, KOB4 TV (an NBC affiliate in NM), KUNM Radio at the University of NM, and U.S. News & World Report.