Joseph Stallcop
Joseph Stallcop, a state representative from Cheshire County, N.H., district four, switched from the Democratic Party to the Libertarian Party (LP) on May 10.
He is the second New Hampshire legislator to switch to the Libertarian Party. Caleb Dyer of Pelham switched to the LP from the Republican Party in February.
“My time in Concord reinforced [my view of] the ineptitude that can exist by those in charge,” stated Representative Stallcop. “I originally joined the Democratic Party in hopes of making a difference through critical thinking and my classical liberal viewpoint, yet with the lack of unbiased data in caucuses as well as backlash on votes I’ve independently made, it seems there is no longer a place for me here. With a high regard for individuals personally working in their communities to implement positive change, I hereby transfer to the Libertarian Party.”
Because the Libertarian Party now has two state representatives, it is entitled to be recognized as a caucus, with its own room in the N.H. capitol. Stallcop has become a dues-paying member of both the national and state Libertarian Parties.
Click here to read the press release from the New Hampshire Libertarian Party.
Click here to read the post at Ballot Access News.