An End to Taxation

Libertarians want this crony, convoluted, time-wasting system to end, and they want to do so in a way that doesn’t make our lives more chaotic in the process.

To get there, we want to phase out taxation incrementally, starting with the income tax, which amounts to 100 working days wages for the average American. as the government moves toward a more limited tax pool and other voluntarily opted-into funding means, such as with lotteries, advertising, and paid services.

None of this is unusual or absurd as governments already rely on such things for funding. Forty-five states have state lotteries, and toll roads abound throughout the United States despite there being property and gas taxes.

Through this process, the government will rely less on wide public taxation and more on taxes from adult gaming and lotteries as their primary means of core support.

This will enable Americans to find peace through freedom from a dizzying tax code while still giving them a chance to support core government function, as makes sense for their budgets.

Naturally, this will also act as a strong incentive against government bloat as the government will no longer be able to force funding for unpopular and undesirable programs.