The Party of Principle
Founded in 1971, the Libertarian National Committee was formed to guide the Libertarian Party and provide a political home for all Americans who cherish freedom. Over the past half-century, we have risen to become the third-largest political party in the United States.
Every election cycle we fight to overcome schemes the dominant parties employ to prevent our candidates from appearing on ballots, then we work hard to get Libertarians elected. We stand firmly on our principles and advocate for policies based on the Libertarian Party Platform. We all know that freedom is the best way to attain peace and prosperity.
The America Libertarians seek to build is one in which individuals can follow their dreams in peaceful and honest ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power. For example:
We believe you are entitled to 100% of your earnings
By any fair definition, taxation is equivalent to forced labor. You owe nothing to the government. Taxation is immoral and should be abolished.
We believe in sound money
Not central bank-issued fiat currency. The government has no right to impose debt on future generations of Americans. We demand an end to the Federal Reserve and the deficit pending it enables.
We believe in free markets.
Corporatism and cronyism in our economy must be eliminated. No more bailouts. No more subsidies. No more meddling to limit competition, only voluntary trade.
We believe in peace
We stand against the war machine. Neither nations nor individuals should commit acts of aggression. To guard against it, we will always uphold the right to self-defense.
We believe in limited government.
Reducing the size and power of the government will empower individuals and restore the freedoms that define a just and prosperous society. We support decentralization.