Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party to incumbents: Defund Obamacare now — or risk voter backlash in 2014

For Immediate Release Thursday, September 19, 2013 The Libertarian Party calls on members of the U.S. House and Senate to defund Obamacare now . ‘Incumbent politicians — especially Republicans with a majority in the House — will have no excuse if they refuse to fully defund Obamacare,’ said Carla Howell, political director for the national […]

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Libertarian Party

June issue of LP News now available online

The June 2013 edition of LP News is now available in the LP News archive, which contains issues stretching back for five years. So, if you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to read our coverage of the Libertarian Party’s Facebook outreach success, LP candidates and electoral victory, court battles, recent press releases, Libertarian Solutions, […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Elected Libertarian list

Dear Friend of Liberty, Nationwide, there are 142 Libertarians holding elected public office. Thirty-nine of them are partisan offices, and 103 are nonpartisan offices. You can view the entire list here. If you know of an elected Libertarian who is not on this list, email us at Please include the words “elected libertarian” in […]

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Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party Remembers Admiral Michael C. Colley

Adm. Michael C. Colley Described by a close friend as a “voice of reason” within the Libertarian Party, and another as an “all-around libertarian,” retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Michael C. Colley passed away on Jan. 19, 2013, at his home in Gulf Shores, Ala. — a month before his 75th birthday. Colley became involved […]

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Libertarian Party

Former Republican state committee chair-elect joins LP to run for Congress in October special election

Henry Herford, Libertarian for Congress, Louisiana 5th District Henry Herford Jr., famous among Ron Paul supporters and was the former Louisiana Republican state committee chair-elect, is running for Congress as a Libertarian. In 2012, he was knocked down by Shreveport, La., police acting on the orders of state GOP officials to block his taking seat […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: See Sarvis run!? 2013 list

Dear Friend of Liberty, Rob Sarvis, LP Virginia Candidate for Governor Robert Sarvis is getting so much publicity by running for governor! He’s a perfect example of how you can amplify your voice for liberty a thousand times by running for office! From the Richmond Times-Dispatch to Fox News to Public Radio, Sarvis is there. […]

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Libertarian Party

Connecticut Libertarian aims to boldly downsize city government backed by slate of LP candidates

William H. Russell, Libertarian for Mayor Norwich, CT Veteran Libertarian William H. Russell believes the city of Norwich, Conn., has hit bottom — and only Libertarians can salvage it. So Russell has assembled a slate of Libertarian Party candidates for the Nov. 5 city elections. Russell has qualified for the mayoral ballot along with five […]

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Libertarian Party

Wes Benedict returns as executive director for national LP; Carla Howell becomes political director

Wes Benedict, Executive Director Libertarian National Committee Wes Benedict, formerly from Texas, has returned to the national LP headquarters to resume his previous position as executive director for the Libertarian National Committee. His focus is on fundraising, LNC project oversight, and general management. Carla Howell, who served as executive director from December 2011 through July […]

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Libertarian Party

New York LP fields record 8 candidates in NYC for November election

The Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island chapters of the Libertarian Party pulled together to get a record eight candidates on the ballot as Libertarians for various local offices throughout the nation’s largest city this November, reported LPNY Chair Mark Axinn. This represents the most LP candidates that have ever run for local office during a […]

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Libertarian Party

Are drone strikes in Yemen convincing its civilians that the U.S. government is the most dangerous terrorist?

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 21, 2013 The Libertarian Party calls for an immediate end to drone strikes in Yemen. ‘Yemenis perceive the U.S. drones strikes, which are killing peaceful citizens, to be acts of terrorism,’ said Geoffrey J. Neale, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. ‘At least in some respects, they are.’ ‘Terrorism’ refers […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party calls for restoring the Fourth Amendment

For Immediate Release Monday, August 19, 2013 Democratic and Republican Votes Abuse Your Fourth Amendment Rights Watch the video Thanks to the brave and patriotic actions of whistleblower Edward Snowden, Americans now know that their Fourth Amendment rights have been blown out of the water; that the government has been routinely spying on millions of […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian response to question about whether President Barack Obama’s vacation is overly extravagant

President Obama’s vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, which cost taxpayers an estimated $250,000–$500,000, is chump change compared to what the federal government spends every hour ($434,132,420.00) of every day ($10,419,178,082.00). From statement made by Carla Howell, Director, National Libertarian Party, to PressTV: “When President Obama is at work, he raises taxes, raises government spending to dangerous […]

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