Search results for ""Wes Benedict""

Libertarian Party

Constitution Day links

Today is the 223rd anniversary of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution by the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Unlike the Republican and Democratic Parties, the Libertarian Party understands the importance of the Constitution and the principles on which it is based. (Just type "Constitution" in the search box on our website and look at everything […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Congress burns Constitution

September 13, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, Hi, I hope you had a nice weekend. The weather was absolutely beautiful here in D.C.! We had a light mist on Sunday morning, but that kept us nice and cool as we handed out Libertarian literature at some of the 9/12 rallies in town. I was pleased […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians issue warning to Tea Partiers

For Immediate Release Friday, September 10, 2010 WASHINGTON – Looking toward the 9/12 Tea Party events in Washington, DC, Libertarian Party executive director Wes Benedict issued the following warning to Tea Partiers: “Republicans are trying to fool you again.” “There are two kinds of Tea Partiers,” said Benedict. “One kind is so blinded by its […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: High Unemployment on Labor Day

September 6, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, It’s hard to celebrate Labor Day when unemployment is 9.6 percent. Government interference is the single biggest cause of unemployment. Minimum wage laws, OSHA, ADA, etc., etc., make it difficult both to hire and to fire workers. (And when it’s difficult to fire workers, it’s much less likely […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians: Obama is shockingly pro-war

For Immediate Release Thursday, September 2, 2010 WASHINGTON – Following President Obama’s “end of our combat mission” speech, Libertarian Party chairman Mark Hinkle released this statement: “President Obama needs to stop lying. In his speech, he repeated the ridiculous and false claim that the U.S. combat mission is over in Iraq. He seems to think […]

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Libertarian Party

3,200 door hangers at Glenn Beck’s D.C. rally

LP Headquarters staff and volunteers handed out 3,200 door hangers and about 1,000 Libertarian bumper stickers in three hours at Glenn Beck’s "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of thousands of people attended this rally, many of whom were Tea Party activists.

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Libertarian Party

Quiz Across America door hangers! $5 per 100

  UPDATE 4/9/14:  The information below is out of date. To order door hangers, click here.     Dear Friend of Liberty, We’re happy to finally launch QUIZ ACROSS AMERICA! We just received our first printing of 200,000 door hangers. They look great, and we’re ready to start shipping them to volunteers. You can get […]

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Libertarian Party

Just Say Now petition to Facebook to change ad policy on marijuana legalization

 As explained in our press release, the Libertarian Party is encouraging individuals to protest the decision made by Facebook to refuse advertisements that advocate for the legalization of marijuana. As noted by Wes Benedict, "We recognize Facebook’s right to control their content and censor whoever they want. But we’re also exercising our First Amendment right […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party protests Facebook censorship of its marijuana legalization ad

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 25, 2010 WASHINGTON – The Libertarian Party (LP) is protesting the decision by Facebook to refuse advertisements that advocate for the legalization of marijuana. The LP had been running a highly successful Facebook ad to express its support of marijuana legalization, but Facebook banned the ad about a week after […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: How to handle Ronald Reagan?

August 23, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, As the 2010 election approaches, a lot of Republican politicians are trying to posture as government-cutters, and they often hold up Ronald Reagan as an example. But although Reagan often talked about supporting smaller government, most Libertarians know that in practice he did exactly the opposite. For example:

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