Search results for "trump"

LP Chair Nicholas Sarwark speaking at microphone, wearing suit & tie (color photo)

Afghanistan and NATO

Dear Libertarian, You have probably heard the news about the President’s plan to increase American military involvement in Afghanistan. The Libertarian perspective is very different. After toppling the Afghan government almost sixteen years ago, the United States entered into nation building thinking that it would help improve corners of the world that terrorists find inviting. […]

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The masthead of the Washington Times newspaper - red fancy script on white background 'The Washington Times' (color graphic)

LNC chair explains health care deregulation in Washington Times

Shifting the layers of bureaucracy in the U.S. government-managed health care system won’t make much of a difference, Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark explained in Jennifer Harper’s Aug. 4 Inside the Beltway column in the Washington Times. Instead, the Libertarian Party calls for repeal and deregulation so that competitive health care markets can function […]

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LNC chair reports ‘unprecedented traction’ for LP in Washington Times column

1984 Libertarian Party presidential candidate David Bergland with current LNC Chair Nicholas Sarwark at the 2017 FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas. Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark was quoted in Jennifer Harper’s Inside The Beltway column in the Washington Times on July 26: “The Libertarian Party has joined the political fray, spurred on by the […]

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I'm with her!

Shirt SALE – standing with Lady Liberty!

Update: This offer expired on August 11th at midnight. You probably have heard this week’s news story about the senior Trump aide who dismissed the Statue of Liberty’s poem that welcomes immigrants. The poem famously says, Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… It is a cherished line that […]

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Will Republican failure to repeal Obamacare benefit Libertarians?

Last week, Senate Republicans trotted out three different prescriptions to the public-private boondoggle that is Obamacare, with each one failing despite a GOP majority in the upper chamber of Congress. President Donald Trump’s quite literal use of the bully pulpit backfired within his own party. “Sens. Susan Collins, John McCain, and Lisa Murkowski deserve praise […]

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Update from the chair

  Dear Libertarian, This weekend, senior staff and I represented the national party at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. FreedomFest is best described as a libertarian and conservative trade show. It is a diverse event with multiple viewpoints represented on any given issue. It is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with existing supporters and […]

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Libertarian Party gaining ground as primary parties lose support

On July 16, The Conservative Nut published this article, citing several of the Libertarian Party’s state-level elected officials: by Luke Poteat There are around 7,000 seats in the upper and lower houses of all the state governments in America, and of those, four are currently held by representatives of the Libertarian Party. This statistic provides […]

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Montana race shows Libertarian votes can no longer be ignored

Libertarian Mark Wicks Libertarian Mark Wicks won 6 percent of the vote in Montana’s race for the state’s only U.S. House seat yesterday, demonstrating, once again, that America’s third largest political party is routinely in play in key elections. While Wicks’ vote fell shy of beating Republican Greg Gianforte’s 7-point lead over Democrat Rob Quist, […]

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