Today, please Vote for the Libertarian Presidential Ticket of Gov. Gary Johnson and Judge Jim Gray. Then vote for every other Libertarian Party candidate on your ballot.

“Vote Libertarian: It’s a Vote You’ll Never Regret.”


Because you are voting FOR liberty.

Because you are voting FOR what you want.

Because you are voting FOR your values, your principles, and your love: liberty.

Because your vote is the ONLY thing that makes a difference on Election Day.

Because your Libertarian vote is the ONLY message the Big Government political establishment listens to.

Because the more votes that our Libertarian Party candidates get today, the more influence we get in the political conversations and decisions in 2013 and 2014.

Because your Libertarian vote can change the future of politics in America. It can set in motion a bigger, bigger, bigger movement for liberty

Please vote for the Libertarian Presidential ticket of Gov. Gary Johnson and Judge Jim Gray today. Then vote for every Libertarian Party candidate on your ballot.

“Vote Libertarian: It’s a Vote You’ll Never Regret.”