The Libertarian campaign of Barbara Howe for Governor in North Carolina scored a major victory for the LP which will save party donors over $300,000 in future petitioning costs.

North Carolina is one of the most difficult and expensive states in the nation for getting Libertarians on the ballot. Now for the second time, the LP has secured ballot status, avoiding costly petitioning that would otherwise be required. She won 93,460 votes or 2.1% of the vote for governor, just over the 2% require in a statewide race to be a recognized political party.

Michael Munger first secured Libertarian ballot access in the state in his 2008 race for governor where he won 121,585 votes, or 2.85%. He was included in the gubernatorial debates. 

Howe has now achieved the same, despite being excluded from the debates. Without this victory, the North Carolina LP would need to collect 88,608 certified signatures, or at least 126,000 raw signatures, in 2016 to make the ballot.

Barbara Howe ran hard – literally. She ran 100 separate 5k races throughout the state, one in each county, to reach voters and to give them a choice for less government, lower taxes and more freedom.

"I am pleased that we accomplished the goal of keeping the LP a legally qualified party in NC. Thanks to all the enthusiastic supporters who planted signs, passed out rack cards, and shared the message," she said.