Please help the Libertarian Party take advantage of a $30,000 contribution match from Richard Winger, long time LP Member, to put the Libertarian Party on the ballot in Oklahoma. We’ve already raised $21,124.10 for that purpose.

We’re just $8,875.90 short of what we need for the match. Please help.

Oklahoma is the single state where only a Republican and Democratic presidential ticket was on the ballot in 2004, 2008, and 2012.

Click here to donate, or visit

Because we’re low on funds overall, the Libertarian National Committee decided we can’t get started on this Oklahoma petition drive until we’ve received $60,000 in donations for this effort.

Click here to donate.

Our Ballot Access Committee Chair, William Redpath, has pledged $1,000 towards this effort. Another long-time member contributed $10,000 for this effort. Several others have already contributed generously. That’s why we’re just $8,875.90 short today.

We have petitioners who are ready to start the signature collection as soon as we tell them to start.

We want to get this petition drive going within a week, so we can run it more cost efficiently before petitioners are in greater demand later this year and next year.

With your help, we can get our candidate for President, and many other offices, on the ballot in Oklahoma in 2016. And then we can start working on the next states.

Please donate today.


Wes Benedict, Executive Director