Sample Seques

Examples of lines that can be used to redirect a conversation from Big Government to advancing liberty:

Your question may be of concern to some people in our (district/state), but in talking to voters in (town or area), what I’ve found is that they’re much more concerned about (your proposal and benefits)…

That’s an interesting question, but I’m running for office in order to (your proposal and benefits)…

That’s interesting, but we need to get some perspective. Rome is burning. The US is at risk of becoming the next Greece or Cyprus. We need to immediately (your proposal and benefits)…

What you said assumes (BG assumption). But BG is actually making things worse. What we need is a small government solution to (your proposal and benefits)…

[If they ask more than one question:] I’ll address your first question (your proposal and benefits)…

I’ll have to think about that. What I can tell you now is (your proposal and benefits)…

That’s a question that deserves some thought. I’ll post a response at my campaign website (give URL) by this (name a time frame in which you are sure you can fulfill this promise). Meanwhile, what I can tell you is (your proposal and benefits)…

I don’t know. But what I do know is (your proposal and benefits)…

Honestly, I don’t think that’s an issue we need to focus on right now. What is far more pressing is (problem, your proposal and its benefits)…

That’s not my top issue and that’s not why I’m running for office. I’m running in order to (your proposal and benefits)…

What [voters / parents / taxpayers / teachers, etc.] tell me is (your proposal and benefits)…

That’s an issue my opponents like to talk about, but they’re not really interested in (alleged concern). Rather, they’re using it to distract voters from the fact that they are massively overspending, diminishing our freedoms, and making our streets unsafe. Instead, we need to (your proposal and benefits)…

That question is a manipulation that serves to mislead voters (explain why quickly). I’m running for office to undo the damage being done by (area of Big Government) and to give voters a choice for (your proposal and benefits)…

All I know is this (your proposal and benefits)…

I’m sorry, but that is not the burning question of the day. What voters really want and need is (your proposal and benefits)…