Press Releases and Party News

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Ron Paul: Will Italy’s Election Foreshadow US Midterms?

By Ron Paul Sunday was an historic election day for Italy. A conservative alliance with a populist flair absolutely trounced the technocrats who had been running the country into the ground for the past several years. The previous prime minister, former Goldman Sachs banker Mario Draghi, implemented one of the most restrictive – and inhuman […]

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Libertarian Party Statement on the 21-Year Anniversary of the Afghanistan Invasion

Twenty-one years ago today, the United States launched the invasion of Afghanistan. What started as a just cause to capture the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks turned into a generational debacle—an experiment in nation-building that has seen the enemies we swore to destroy, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, continue to thrive and return to power. The […]

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biden milley

The Democratic Party, Now the Leading Party of War

by John V. Walsh Last May a remarkable column by Stephen Kinzer appeared in the Boston Globe. It was headlined: “Republicans Return To Their Roots As The Antiwar Party.” More significantly, the subheading ran: “Since the Vietnam era, Americans have come to expect antiwar rhetoric from liberal Democrats. Cancel that.” It began: “With Americans now engulfed in passion for Ukraine, it […]

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Press Release

Libertarian Party Works to Bring Aid to Hurricane Ian Victims

As Hurricane Ian sweeps Florida, the Libertarian National Committee is coordinating with members of the Libertarian Party of Florida to distribute supplies to people in need. People willing to support the party’s efforts can do so by purchasing any of the following items: water bottles; personal hygiene items; canned soups; granola bars; feminine hygiene products; […]

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Ludwig von Mises Is Winning

By Tho Bishop As a young man Alexander Hamilton once wrote, “There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” While it is tragic that Hamilton would grow up to advocate all sorts of government policies contrary to liberty — America would be better off had he […]

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Ron Paul: Europe Commits Suicide-by-Sanctions

By Ron Paul A Swiss billboard is making the rounds on social media depicting a young woman on the telephone. The caption reads, “Does the neighbor heat the apartment to over 19 degrees (66F)? Please inform us.” While the Swiss government has dismissed the poster as a fake, the penalties Swiss citizens face for daring […]

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Libertarian Party

Notice of LNC Executive Committee Meeting September 18, 2022 at 8pm Eastern

The LNC Executive Committee will be meeting Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 8pm Eastern. The agenda is to consider recommendations of the Candidate Support Committee as referred to it at the 9/11/22 meeting. Please note that LNC members need to register using the email addresses given to the Secretary as their personal zoom account email […]

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Lessons Learned: Ron Paul’s Warnings Against the War on Terror Stand True

By Angela McArdle Twenty-one years ago, our country was changed forever. On Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaeda militants hijacked commercial airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York, killing nearly 3,000 people. As countless families still grieve their lost loved ones from that tragic day—and the country suffers the consequences of the […]

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