Press Releases and Party News

State CRM Project Update

Database update

Dear Libertarian, Last week, I told you about a special opportunity to have your donation DOUBLED, as we work to provide a customized database for state and local parties. I’m happy to share with you that since then Libertarians have contributed $5,336 towards this project! That has been doubled to $10,672! And, that has funded […]

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Masthead of the Sun Journal newspaper out of Maine; text 'Sun Journal' in balck on white background (graphic image)

Libertarian Party appoints Lafrance as interim county commissioner in Maine

In July, Libertarian Zachery Maher took the job of town manager in Mechanic Falls, Maine, so he resigned from his role as Androscoggin County commissioner. The Libertarian Party had the prerogative to choose Maher’s interim replacement, and Libertarian Ray Lafrance, formerly a town selectman and captain in the sheriff’s office, accepted the party’s appointment. This […]

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Freedom in the 50 States

What would elected Libertarians do?

Voters often ask Libertarians what they would actually do to change policy if they were elected. What would a Libertarian society look like? It’s a fair question. Through research, campaigning, press releases, and other forms of outreach, Libertarians at all levels do work on explaining the nuts and bolts of how to promote freedom through […]

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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Immigrants benefit the United States

In a recent story, the Orlando Sentinel wrote about a local official who had quoted the libertarian-leaning former radio host Neal Boortz when he tweeted, “name just ONE country that was improved in ANY WAY by the addition of more Muslims.” The answer is easy: The United States. This country is home to countless success […]

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State CRM Project

Revolutionize your state party’s capabilities!

Dear Libertarian, Our state and local parties are the front lines of the Libertarian Party. The national party works throughout the election cycle to help them in a variety of ways. Right now, we are building tech systems that will revolutionize the capabilities of our state and local parties. To be as effective as possible, […]

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Roger Barris wearing black shirt with open collar, smiling broadly and looking at the viewer, Colorado state flag in background (color photo)

Reporter-Herald: Barris advocates Libertarian reforms in race for U.S. House in Colorado

Libertarian Party [LP] candidate Roger Barris was interviewed for the Loveland Reporter-Herald on his race for Colorado’s second congressional district. From the feature story, “Colorado 2nd Congressional District candidate Roger Barris advocates Libertarian reforms,” by Julia Rentsch (July 15): For Roger Barris, the Libertarian Party candidate running in Colorado’s 2nd Congress District this November, winning […]

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Gary Johnson wearing grey suit blue tie speaking at microphone at national Libertarian Party convention in 2016 (color photo)

Former N.M. governor and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson running for U.S. Senate

Libertarian Party (LP) presidential candidate Gary Johnson (2012, 2016) accepted the New Mexico LP’s nomination on Aug. 13 for the U.S. senate race there. Johnson will be going up against incumbent Democrat Martin Heinrich and Republican challenger Mark Rich. Among the many media outlets covering the news of the nomination were the Santa Fe New […]

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2018 strategically targeted candidates

Check out our ground game

Starting in a few weeks and continuing until election day, the Libertarian Party will be committing substantial time and resources to strategically targeted races. Pictured are some of the candidates we are targeting. They are solid candidates, running in districts that are cheaper than most and more opportune for us for various reasons. We have […]

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