Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party says 'Iran should not be the new Iraq'

For Immediate Release Thursday, July 3, 2008 Says attacking Iran would be opening Pandora’s box The Libertarian Party is calling for restraint in words and actions when dealing with Iran. “The charged rhetoric from the Bush administration regarding Iran is very similar to that which was common in the lead up to the war with […]

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Libertarian Party

Differences in Denver

Libertarian National Convention in Denver Democratic National Convention in Denver Purely by coincidence (as that we picked first), Denver will play host to both the Libertarian National Convention and the Democratic National Convention this year.  Libertarians descended on Denver at the end of May, enjoying the relaxed and libertarian-friendly environment of Colorado’s capital city.  Absent […]

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Libertarian Party

Call talk radio!

From the Libertarian Party’s Volunteer Coordinator, Austin Petersen: “They said that there were only about two or three dozen spammers out there, and it looks like there’s a lot more," said Texas Congressman Ron Paul in a speech to 5,000 people in Philadelphia.

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Libertarian Party

Party mourns passing of International Society for Individual Liberty President

For Immediate Release Monday, June 30, 2008 Offers gratitude for Miller’s service in his work for more liberty The Libertarian National Committee expresses our sorrow on the passing of Vince Miller, president of the International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL). His many accomplishments include the founding in 1980 of Libertarian International, which subsequently merged with […]

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Libertarian Party

'Go, Bob, go!'

For Immediate Release Friday, June 27, 2008 This is a great article on our Presidential candidate Bob Barr from Politico . Click here to read the article by Politico’s Terry Michael. “Like a number of small-government Republicans who came to Washington in the Republican Revolution of 1994, Barr’s separation from the corrupting influences of K […]

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Libertarian Party

Obama, McCain don't get free passes on gun issue

For Immediate Release Friday, June 27, 2008 Both candidates share questionable past on gun rights Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain both share a spotty history on gun rights and should not be granted a free pass with their recent rhetoric, says the Libertarian Party. “McCain and Obama are no friends to the Second […]

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Libertarian Party

Republican Gun-Grabbers

McCain’s tepid relationship with the NRA hasn’t always been as smooth as McCain has tried to make it seem on the 2008 campaign trail.  Today’s ruling on Heller and the response from McCain almost seems laughable given the tongue-lashing McCain has received in the past from gun rights advocates. 

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Libertarian Party

Heller ruling a 'preservation of liberty in the United States'

For Immediate Release Thursday, June 26, 2008 Party says firearms are distinct component of the national character Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case District of Columbia v. Heller, Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis called the case a “landmark victory for the preservation of liberty in the United States.” The Libertarian Party was the […]

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Libertarian Party

LP on the ballot in Nebraska

Libertarian Party Gains Ballot Access in Cornhusker State ‘Party of Principle’ Gives Voice to Nebraskans’ Call for More Choice Lincoln, NE –  Jerry Kosch, chairman of the Libertarian Party of Nebraska, received official notification from the Secretary of State’s office today that the Party’s candidates will be on the ballot come November. By gathering nearly […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC amicus for Heller

The Supreme Court is now in the process of deciding Heller v. District of Columbia, and should be rendering a decision either today or tomorrow.  While we wait, feel free to read over the amicus brief submitted by the Libertarian Party in this landmark case.  The message of the brief is simple: The Second Amendment […]

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Libertarian Party

Third anniversary of Kelo

Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. New London.  The Kelo decision granted the power of eminent domain to any private company that could prove an ability to provide any semblance of public use, at some point in its existence. This decision further distorted the questionable ability of […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr rises on Digg home page

For those that followed the campaign of Ron Paul, it became routine that any story about Paul or the campaign would soar to the top of–one of the leading sites for news and information in the online community.  Now, it appears Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, may also be heading in […]

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