Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

McCain, Obama Use Millions of Taxpayer Dollars for Self-Promotion

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Barr Proposes to Stop Taxpayer Funds for Parties’ Conventions ‘My party has already held its convention without a single taxpayer dollar in its support,’ notes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee. But the Republican and Democratic conventions live on federal subsidies. Each party is receiving $16 million […]

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Libertarian Party

Bush: The ambassador that wasn't

For Immediate Release Monday, August 11, 2008 Bush’s deplorable track record with civil liberties and regulatory policies makes him an unfit ambassador of American values If it weren’t for a history of abuses against civil liberties and a penchant for regulatory economic policies, President George Bush could have been an ambassador of freedom and capitalism […]

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Libertarian Party

Time to Cut Off Iraq

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 6, 2008 Iraq should be footing their own bill “It is time for Iraq to take responsibility for the costs and burdens of rebuilding their country,” says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath, following a new report from the Government Accountability Office stating that Iraq may have a budget surplus […]

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Libertarian Party

Recruiting volunteers with Craigslist

From our friendly neighborhood volunteer coordinator, Austin Petersen: To supplement traditional recruitment through your local events, and to help with Ballot Access, I have been placing advertisements on the Web site Although it may not sound like a good place to look, you would be surprised at the return rate of people who reply […]

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Libertarian Party

Border fences poor substitutes for immigration reform

For Immediate Release Tuesday, August 5, 2008 Illegal immigration a product of ineffective government policies As the federal government scrambles to put up a costly border fence along the Mexico-US border, Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis is already calling it a “poor substitute for real immigration reform.” “Illegal immigration is a huge problem in the […]

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Libertarian Party

Where does your candidate stand?

Where does your candidate stand? Do you know where your candidate stands on the important issues in this upcoming election?  Did you know that John McCain stands for an expensive cap and trade program in his war against global warming?  Did you know that Barack Obama wants huge tax increases on oil companies, which will […]

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Libertarian Party

'We don't mind you shutting down'

For Immediate Release Monday, August 4, 2008 As Congress plays games, taxpayers get a break from big spending While Republicans threaten a government shutdown over a fight with Democrats on offshore drilling, the Libertarian Party says such a dramatic step wouldn’t be so bad. “We don’t mind Congress shutting down,” says Andrew Davis, spokesperson for […]

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Libertarian Party

Freedom going up in smoke

For Immediate Release Thursday, July 31, 2008 Regulations would endanger health of liberty in the United States Tobacco regulations that just passed the House “should carry a warning label about their dangerous effects on liberty,” says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis. The bill, sponsored by California Democrat Rep. Henry Waxman, would give new powers to […]

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Libertarian Party

Bill of Rights Blackout

Recently, LP presidential candidate Bob Barr testified at a congressional hearing about the separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.  Calling for "a thorough inquiry into the Bush administration’s attack on the Constitution’s system of separation of powers and checks and bal

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Libertarian Party

West Virginia Update #2

It’s well past 1 a.m. in West Virginia, and I should be in bed getting sleep for another day of petitioning that begins in but just a few short hours.  However, the energy of the petition drive (or maybe just the Starbucks coffee we made in the room’s nearly microscopic coffee machine) keeps my eyes […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Urges House Judiciary to Hold President Accountable

For Immediate Release Sunday, July 27, 2008 Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Barr called for ‘a thorough inquiry into the Bush administration’s attack on the Constitution’s system of separation of powers and checks and balances.’ He explained: ‘It is axiomatic that no matter how much power government has, it always wants more.” “While […]

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