Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Democracy Subverted in Connecticut for the Benefit of Technology

For Immediate Release Friday, October 24, 2008 Bob Barr Loses Ballot Status Due to Bureaucratic Failures A U.S. Federal District Judge yesterday allowed the state of Connecticut to keep Libertarian Presidential Nominee Bob Barr off the November ballot despite Barr meeting the legislative requirements for ballot access. The Libertarian Party of Connecticut properly submitted over […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Says McCain is on his 'Farewell Tour'

For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Urges Voters to Vote for Real, Principled Change Bob Barr says that Sen. John McCain is on his “farewell tour” across America, as it has become clear that Sen. McCain has no realistic chance of winning the presidential election. “The wheels on the Straight Talk Express have come […]

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Libertarian Party

Halloween Fright! Barr Scares McCain

"Libertarian presidential nominee Bob Barr says Republicans are so afraid that he will spoil things for Sen. John McCain that the Republican presidential nominee is shadowing him, scheduling appearances in battleground states to match Mr.

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Libertarian Party

Investigate Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Lobbying, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Tuesday, October 21, 2008 ‘Ground zero of today’s economic crisis was irresponsible mortgage lending by government-backed enterprises, most notably Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,’ explains Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. ‘Yet, Freddie Mac spent extravagantly to prevent Congress from imposing even loose controls over its operations. We need a […]

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Libertarian Party

Time For Real Economic Reform

For Immediate Release Friday, October 17, 2008 After several huge, government bailouts, and other measures placing trillions of taxpayer dollars at risk, the nation’s financial system remains far from stable. There is much more work that needs to be done before the economy will return to its growth path, but it cannot be more of […]

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Libertarian Party

The “Other” Debate

The New York Times (at least their blog), has dedicated a little space to a proposed last-minute debate among third-party candidates.  While the article does little in terms of actual reporting (they confirmed McKinney "will also be there, according to her website," without actually lifting a phone to call the campaign), it does do a […]

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Libertarian Party

‘Bob the Builder’

For Immediate Release Thursday, October 16, 2008 While Obama and McCain seek to put patches on leaks, Bob Barr hopes to rebuild America “‘Joe the Plumber’ doesn’t need Senators Barack Obama or John McCain’” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president. “He needs ‘Bob the Builder.’” “While Senators Obama and McCain seek only […]

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Libertarian Party

Our Newest Ad

Dear Libertarian Supporter, Last week, we talked told you about our first radio ad that we began running nationwide in this last month before the election. Your feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we wanted to let you know some of the comments we received from you:

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Libertarian Party

Bob Barr Moves Presidential Debate into 21st Century

For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Barr to Participate in Real Time, Virtual Debate With Obama, McCain at Using the latest advances in campaign social networking and Internet communication, Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee Bob Barr will be participating in a real time, virtual debate during the televised debate between Senators Barack Obama and […]

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Libertarian Party

The Republican Case Against the Republican Party

To be sure, Senator Barack Obama is certainly to the left of Senator John McCain; however, it’s not a stretch to say that the real John McCain has more in common with Barack Obama than he does with his own party.  In fact, McCain frequently drew the ire of his party for many of his […]

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Libertarian Party

Wall Street Benefits Twice from Bailouts

For Immediate Release Saturday, October 11, 2008 Senator John McCain attempted to disguise reality by calling the $700 billion Wall Street bailout a ‘rescue,’ but it’s obvious that the only people he and his colleagues were rescuing were the executives who had made bad investment decisions, as well as the politicians who had pushed increased […]

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Libertarian Party

What will the NRA do?

From Jason Pye at the Barr Campaign: It looks like the NRA is finally getting involved in the presidential race: The NRA has not yet endorsed a presidential candidate. LaPierre planned news conferences Thursday in Pennsylvania, Missouri, Colorado and Nevada to make an announcement on the presidential election. He declined Wednesday to reveal which candidate […]

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