Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Another Second Amendment Victory

The U.S. Department of the Interior has recently announced a change to their firearms policy in national parks and wildlife refuges.  According to a Dec. 5 statement from the Interior, the policy update would "allow an individual to carry a concealed weapon in national parks and wildlife refuges if, and only if, the individual is […]

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Libertarian Party

The LP Goes to Harvard

Well, we didn’t actually go to Harvard. In doing some background research on Obama’s plans for the biggest public works project since the 1950s, we talked to Harvard economist Dr. Jeffrey Miron about what this means for the economy. Here’s what he said:

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Libertarian Party

LPNY Supports Lawsuit Against Corporate Welfare

On Dec. 7, 2009, the Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) State Committee passed a resolution supporting a lawsuit seeking to end corporate welfare via the New York State Constitution. "The LPNY endorses the Stop The Pork Lawsuit filed by Jim Ostrowski to enforce the prohibition in the State Constitution against grants or loans of […]

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Libertarian Party

Resolution Condemning Domestic Deployment of the U.S. Military

For Immediate Release Monday, December 8, 2008 The following resolution was passed by the Libertarian National Committee on Dec. 7, 2008 at its quarterly board meeting: RESOLUTION CONDEMNING DOMESTIC DEPLOYMENT OF THE U.S. MILITARY WHEREAS , the domestic deployment of 20,000 uniformed military personnel planned by the United States government undermines the Posse Comitatus Act […]

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Libertarian Party

What Can the LP Do For You?

As a political party, we run candidates every November that wish to be elected to office in order to push public policy in a Libertarian direction. However, there is more to the Libertarian Party than just running candidates for office.  We are also one of the leading advocacy groups for libertarian policy in the United […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Social Networks

Down at the bottom-right of the Web site, we have our list of Social Networking sites.  I would once again like to invite you to check out and join these networks.  Our Facebook and

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Libertarian Party

Barr Condemns Government Plans for Domestic Troop Deployment

For Immediate Release Thursday, December 4, 2008 Had Warned of Such Domestic Military Involvement Since 1993 Waco Tragedy Former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr says government plans to deploy 20,000 uniformed soldiers inside the United States “ignores all the tragic lessons we have learned from using the U.S. military in domestic crises.” “When combat troops are […]

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Libertarian Party

Domestic Deployment of Troops Concerning

For Immediate Release Wednesday, December 3, 2008 Says Americans will be more vulnerable to rights violations Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath calls a plan by the federal government to deploy 20,000 uniformed soldiers inside the United States “further evidence of a disturbing trend of militarism in today’s society.” According to reports from the Washington […]

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Libertarian Party

A Message to Obama

Today’s "Monday Message" is primarily one for President-Elect Barack Obama.  Though the Bush administration, which has undoubtedly been one of the worst in American history, will be leaving office on Jan. 20, there is little room for celebration as Obama looks to take over as commander-in-chief.  Obama’s attitude towards wealth, the marketplace and economics is […]

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Libertarian Party

December LNC Meeting Agenda

Libertarian National Committee, Inc. December 6-7, 2008 Meeting Agenda San Diego, California Saturday, December 6, 2008 & Sunday, December 7, 2008     Call to Order    (8:00 AM) Moment of Reflection – 1 minute Opportunity for Public Comment – 10 minutes Credentials Report and Paperwork Check (Secretary) – 5 minutes Report of Potential Conflicts of Interest […]

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Libertarian Party

Free Market Heroes, Vol. 3: John A. Allison

Not everyone is born a freedom-loving Constitutionalist.  If they were, there would be no need for the Libertarian Party. Unfortunately, the fight for less government is as much a legislative process as it is an education process.  In fact, the legislative process is much easier when there is an educated electorate, who elects qualified and […]

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