Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Your Monday Message

Dear friend, 2009 may be a “down year” for Republicans and Democrats looking ahead to congressional and gubernatorial races in 2010, but Libertarians are on the move. Your Libertarian Party is hard at work fighting for open elections in West Virginia and Oklahoma, recruiting candidates for state races in New Jersey and Virginia and looking […]

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Libertarian Party

Glenn Beck: ‘I’m more and more libertarian’

Popular conservative talk radio personality and Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck is bringing more than his trademark wit to cable news.  He’s bringing an evolving philosophy. "’Every day that goes by, I’m more and more libertarian," Beck told The Miami Herald. "I’ve always been a conservative. But every day I find myself believing more […]

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Libertarian Party

Mulshine: Republicans now trying to sound like Libertarians

Syndicated columnist Paul Mulshine of the Newark Star-Ledger expresses his surprise today over reports the Republican Party has discovered fiscal conservatism again. As Mulshine points out, the Libertarian Party and its 2008 presidential nominee, former congressman Bob Barr, opposed taxpayer-funded bailouts and explosive government growth back when the GOP was espousing it as bedrock principle.

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Libertarian Party

Examiner editor: Facts about the so-called stimulus

Washington Examiner editorial page editor Mark Tapscott, with the help of the Heritage Foundation, takes his pen to Obama’s $1.2 trillion government spending plan, citing some of the better reasons to oppose it. Tapscott also covers something that annoys me when anti-capitalists talk about their "green" jobs.  They’re not new jobs.  They’re just unstable replacements […]

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Libertarian Party

Politico: Obama $1.2 trillion spending plan riddled with pork

Despite promises by the Obama administration his $1.2 trillion government spending plan will be free of earmarks and pet projects, The Politico reports today the bill is so laden with lard the Capitol may have to be rezoned as a rendering plant. According to The Politico, special interests like casinos and peach growers will likely […]

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Libertarian Party

NC Libertarians propose 'Liberty Agenda'

For Immediate Release Monday, February 2, 2009 Urge state assembly to focus on schools, property rights, open elections, end to corporate welfare RALEIGH, NC — The North Carolina General Assembly should focus on annexation, public education, open elections, and corporate welfare during the upcoming session, the Libertarian Party of North Carolina said today in announcing […]

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Libertarian Party

Sundwall files to run in special congressional election

For Immediate Release Sunday, February 1, 2009 New York LP chair seeks seat vacated by Kirsten Gillibrand New York state Libertarian Party chair Eric Sundwall has filed a campaign committee to enter the special election for the 20th Congressional District seat vacated by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. ‘We actually feel that given this particular election, if […]

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Libertarian Party

Obama spending plan more expensive than New Deal/Iraq war combined

The blog Suitably Flip puts the cost of Obama’s $1.2 trillion government expansion plan into perspective. "So how big is the resulting $1.2 trillion spending package?  Big enough to dwarf any government program in history, even after adjusting for inflation.  It’s bigger than the New Deal and the Iraq War combined.  The interest alone will […]

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Libertarian Party

Should we send him a Snuggie?

If I was wearing a hat right now, I’d tip it to "The Chilling Effect" for picking up on this. Candidate Barack Obama on May 16, 2008, campaigning in Oregon: "We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times." President Barack Obama […]

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Libertarian Party

Michael Steele named RNC chairman…

…and many limited-government types aren’t happy.  Prominent blogger Robert Bluey laid out his opposition to Steele’s chair bid in a Jan. 4 posting on Bluey cites several factors as to why Steele is "the wrong man." Among them are his decision as GOPAC chair to make the group’s third-biggest expenditure a donation to his […]

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Libertarian Party

$3 TRILLION? Obama considers tripling cost of government growth plan

Economist, columnist and CNBC host Larry Kudlow reports the Obama administration is considering making the $1 trillion government expansion plan even bigger — throwing in an amazing $2 trillion in additional bailouts for banks. That’s three trillion dollars in expanded government spending.  $3,000,000,000,000.00.  $10,000.00 in new government spending for every man, woman and child in […]

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