Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Barr lays out formula for real recovery, job creation

2008 presidential candidate Bob Barr deconstructs the two "trendy" government-driven models for recovery in his latest column for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  Read the entire column here.  He concludes: "…For much of our nation’s history, America set the standard for economic development in the world. Our nation’s leaders —- at least most of them —- recognized […]

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Libertarian Party

Washington Times: WH admits Limbaugh hubbub ‘counterproductive’

From The Washington Times Wednesday: The White House on Wednesday admitted that their public comments about conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh and cable news personalities in recent days has been counterproductive. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said that he has been guilty of feeding a public debate about the Obama administration’s economic agenda that […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian poll: What is Obama trying to distract us from?

For Immediate Release Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Party needles White House over attacks on radio host Limbaugh WASHINGTON – America’s third largest party is asking Americans to vote on what they think the White House’s ongoing war with conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh is intended to distract attention from, Libertarian National Committee (LNC) Communications Director […]

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Libertarian Party

Six of the top ten Senate ‘porkers’ are Republican

Taxpayers for Common Sense released a database Monday of the 8,570 earmarks, totaling $7.7 billion, in the FY09 omnibus spending bill. Remember all that talk last week about Republicans "learning the error of their ways" and promising to embrace fiscal responsibility?  Well, it seems six of the ten biggest recepients of earmarks just happen to […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians urge Obama to veto pork-ridden spending bill

For Immediate Release Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Libertarians stand with taxpayers against earmark abuse WASHINGTON – America’s third largest party urged President Barack Obama Tuesday to live up to his promise to ‘end politics as usual in Washington’ and veto a $410 billion spending bill. The legislation includes 8,570 earmarks totaling $7.7 billion, a practice […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian State Leadership Alliance Info — Click here!

The 2009 Libertarian State Leadership Alliance kicks off Friday in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina.  There are still slots available, so go to and reserve yours today! Not only will you get to spend a weekend in historic downtown Charleston, you can be a part of: * " Why I Moved from GOP to the […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC Chairman responds to Obama, Jindal

For Immediate Release Wednesday, February 25, 2009 WASHINGTON, D.C. –Libertarian National Committee (LNC) Chairman William Redpath released the following statement Wednesday: ‘Americans have always bounced back from adversity by exercising the freedoms guaranteed by limited government, which is why Libertarians are so disappointed in the recovery-delaying policies laid out last night by President Obama. ‘No […]

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Libertarian Party

Markets offer vote of no confidence in Obama spending spree

For Immediate Release Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Stocks plunge in response to Obama address WASHINGTON, D.C. — America’s job creators offered the Obama administration’s economic plans another resounding vote of no confidence, with stocks plunging once again as President Obama refused to change the failed big-spending, big-government policies responsible for the current economic stagnation, Libertarian […]

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Libertarian Party

Put the LP on your Mac!

Majorities of voters agree Obama’s plan to explode the size and cost of government will delay eventual economic recovery, but Libertarians are looking forward to electing a pro-growth president in 2012 and restoring our economy. For those who would like to count down with us, we have provided a Mac Widget for Dashboard to countdown […]

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Libertarian Party

Polls: Obama approval rate average, disapproval rate high

The media love to trumpet Barack Obama’s approval ratings of 63 percent, but there’s something they don’t like telling you — based on the approval ratings of every elected president since Nixon, Barack Obama is disappointingly average. In fact, the only president with a higher approval rating at this point in his term was…Jimmy Carter.  […]

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