Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

The awful truth about government-run care: It’s rationing

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a physician and resident fellow at the independent, non-partisan American Enterprise Institute, writes in today’s Wall Street Journal about the inescapable truth of government-run health care — it can only make health care cheap by rationing your access to it. You may click here or pick up a copy of the Journal […]

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Libertarian Party

Who are ‘the uninsured?’

Today’s Washington Times editorial takes an eye-opening look into the Obama insinuation that America’s 45 million uninsured are middle-class families who simply can’t get health insurance unless Congress gives in to his proposed government takeover of health care. Click here to read the editorial, or pick up a copy of the Times if you live […]

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Libertarian Party

Research: Government-run health care MORE expensive than private care

Health care researcher Dr. Jeffrey H. Anderson, writing in today’s Investor’s Business Daily, reveals the troubling findings of research into government-run health care programs.  Despite Barack Obama’s promises that his proposed government takeover of doctor’s offices will somehow reduce costs, the facts show exactly the opposite is true. You may click here to read the […]

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Libertarian Party

Washington Post: Time to privatize the Postal Service

From yesterday’s surprising editorial in The Washington Post, which endorses positions long held by the Libertarian Party.  You may click here to read the full editorial. The Post concludes: Europe’s increasingly privatized mail services offer exciting examples of postal possibilities in the 21st century. They are leaner and greener than the U.S. service because they […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians recommend Senate defeat Koh nomination

For Immediate Release Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Obama nominee to negotiate treaties says U.S. must adopt “global gun control” WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party Tuesday recommended the Senate defeat the nomination of Harold Koh to be State Department legal adviser, citing a history of opposition to gun rights and national sovereignty. ‘The State Department […]

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Libertarian Party

New taxation of your health benefits (Oh, except unions)

Health Care Catastrophe By: Daniel Murdock         Even though working Americans would pay trillions more in additional taxes, Washington continues to press forward with plans for health care reform. There are numerous proposals on how to raise the necessary funds, but Senator Max Baucus’ (D-Mont.) plan to “limit allowable tax free health benefits” has garnered […]

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Libertarian Party

CBS, New York Times engineer poll to create pro-ObamaCare majority

A recent CBS/New York Times poll showing a majority of Americans wanted to pay higher taxes to fund a government takeover of the health care system clashed sharply with a multitide of polls showing Americans opposed the plan. The independent, non-partisan Media Research Center reports on why — CBS and the Times radically oversampled the […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr: Federal regulatory burden hits $1.17 trillion

Over at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website, 2008 Libertarian presidential nominee Congressman Bob Barr draws attention to one of the major hurdles facing our economic recovery — the $1.17 trillion cost of complying with government regulations that must be carried by every American citizen and employer. Removing unneeded and unnecessary regulations would be an important first […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party Interns on The Hill

          The LP National internship program had an exciting week with outreach at several events around town including the National Taxpayers Union Conference, and Capital Pride. Interns have moved from all over the country to intern at the LP and participate in these events. While mostly focused on local events, they are also providing valuable […]

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