Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Libertarians: No need for ‘Iraq war rush’ to government-run medicine

For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 21, 2009 Obama demands for immediate action, little transparency are hallmarks of bad legislation WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party Tuesday urged Congress to take its time deliberating the proposed government takeover of the nation’s health care system amid pressure from the White House to quickly adopt the troubled proposal […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians are coming to bookstores and TVs near you

YOUR MONDAY MESSAGE FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY Dear friend, For Republicans and Democrats, the summer is often a slow time.  Not for Libertarians. Wayne Allyn Root, the Libertarian Party’s 2008 vice-presidential nominee, has a new book out today.  “The Conscience of a Libertarian” lays out the case for libertarianism and lets you know what you […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians, Barr applaud repeal of "Barr amendment"

For Immediate Release Monday, July 20, 2009 WASHINGTON — Last week’s passage of a House appropriations bill without a rider prohibiting the District of Columbia from implementing the results of a 1998 referendum legalizing marijuana for medical purposes is applauded by Libertarians, namely the author of the original amendment itself. Known as the ‘Barr Amendment,’ […]

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Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party at Freedom Fest Las Vegas!

            Freedom Fest 2009 in Las Vegas was a great outreach event for the Libertarian National Committee. The local Libertarian Party affiliate of Nevada is owed a special debt of gratitude, specifically Nathan Santucci, Debra Dedmon, and Kris McKinster. We received dozens of inquiries and passed out tons of flyers, buttons, and LP […]

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Libertarian Party

Agrella grabs 5.2% in special election

Chris Agrella, small businessman and Libertarian nominee for Congress in California’s 32nd congressional district, grabbed 5.2 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s special election to fill the seat vacated by current Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.  Agrella faced two cousins, Democrat nominee Judy Chu and Republican nominee Betty Chu, in the three-way election after none of […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians take aim at Sotomayor’s anti-gun stance

For Immediate Release Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Nominee ‘can’t think’ of a right of self-defense WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party reiterated its opposition Wednesday to the Supreme Court nomination of federal judge Sonia Sotomayor after the nominee refused to give a firm answer on whether individuals have the right of self-defense. ‘Is there a […]

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Libertarian Party

Help Libertarians win. Become a precinct leader!

Dear friend, Have you considered becoming a Libertarian precinct leader? I’m asking because, as a political party, we have an obligation to win elections.  Not only do our over 200 elected Libertarians need some friendly allies where they serve, there are many communities across America with no elected Libertarians. We need to change that. And […]

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Libertarian Party

With unemployment skyrocketing, Libertarians suggest real stimulus

For Immediate Release Thursday, July 9, 2009 GOP, Dems debate passing another spending expansion, despite past failures WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party Thursday criticized Democrat and Republican leaders in Congress for suggesting that rising unemployment can be solved by passing another ‘stimulus’ government expansion, or by spending current appropriations more quickly. Libertarians propose an […]

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Libertarian Party

Maryland LP nominates four candidates

For Immediate Release Thursday, July 9, 2009 (From the Maryland LP) Timonium, MD — The Libertarian Party of Maryland has nominated four candidates in the upcoming 2010 election. In the First District, Dr. Richard Davis has been nominated as the Libertarian candidate for Congress; he ran in 2008. Lorenzo Gaztaaga has accepted the nomination for […]

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