Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Missouri LP to testify at MIAC hearing

  From the Missouri LP: Missouri Libertarian Party Vice Chair Cisse Spragins will be testifying at a Missouri House of Representatives Interim Committee on State Intelligence Analysis Oversight public hearing August 31st in Grandview, MO. In March, a "Strategic Report" on "The Modern Militia Movement" written by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) was leaked […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian gives her health care perspective to CNN

Debbie Schum, Delta County, Colorado Libertarian Party chair, gave her perspective on health care reform on CNN after attending the White House’s press event in Grand Junction.  Schum, a small businessperson, shares with CNN’s host the concerns of millions of Americans about the rising costs, plummeting quality, restrictions on access and rationing that are hallmarks […]

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Libertarian Party

Government health care in action: Vancouver to begin denying surgeries

Today’s Vancouver Sun reports on one reason Libertarians, joined by most Americans, oppose Obama’s proposed government takeover of health care.  Government control of health care has always led to rationing and denial of medically necessary surgery: VANCOUVER — Vancouver patients needing neurosurgery, treatment for vascular diseases and other medically necessary procedures can expect to wait […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Dems not backing down on public option, but stepping up the fight

Dear friend, Faced with withering criticism from the independent voters who elected Obama, as well as polls showing majorities of Americans oppose their health care reform plans and would prefer government inaction to the current system, the media reported this weekend Democrats may consider removing a provision for government-run health insurance from a massive bill […]

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Libertarian Party

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey lays out the problems with government-run health care, the need for serious reform and offers a libertarian alternative in a tremendous column in The Wall Street Journal.  Click here to read the full column. Mackey suggests Congress, among other things: • Remove the legal obstacles that slow the creation of high-deductible […]

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Libertarian Party

Indianapolis LP councilman seeks to get city out budget rough by selling off government golf courses

Ed Coleman, Libertarian member of the City-County Council in Indianapolis, sought support today for a proposal to cut unneeded spending as many taxpayers struggle to make ends meet.  Coleman proposed the city sell off 12 of its government-owned golf courses. "Most of our golf courses currently aren’t making money, and the ones that are aren’t […]

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Libertarian Party

Town hall face-offs erode health support

As more and more concerned Americans make their first trip to a "town hall" meeting to voice their doubts about Obama’s proposed government takeover of health care, support for the risky experiment plunges.  No wonder Democrats were working so hard this week to slander attendees and discourage people from attending meetings they couldn’t risk canceling. […]

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Libertarian Party

Rationing away medical care

Also from today’s Washington Times.  The unavoidable reality of rationing basic care is one of many reasons why Libertarians oppose government-run health care and prefer to open up the insurance market.  Click here to read the full editorial, which states: President Obama told a rally in Portsmouth, N.H., on Tuesday to ignore the "scare tactics" […]

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