Press Releases and Party News

End it Now graphic

End It Now

Rational people have done their best to work together and do what needs to be done to navigate through a global pandemic. Our government has lied, hidden information, mandated policies based on faulty assumptions, and refused to follow its own orders. It is time for it to end — all of it.    We all […]

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Whitney Statement Image

Court Rules Against Third Parties and Suppresses Voter Choice in Georgia

In a display of blatant voter suppression and support for duopoly rule, the 11th Circuit Court has overturned a ruling in Georgia and restored one of the worst ballot access laws in the country.  In September, a long-awaited ruling was issued by a federal judge rightly recognizing Georgia’s signature-gathering requirement for third-party candidates seeking non-statewide […]

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Money bomb twitter

Three Questions That Change A Lifetime

Originally published in LPNews, December 2021   When I was 14 years old, I started paying attention to the political world around me. As a “good Christian girl” from a “good Christian home”, this meant that I started watching The O’Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes at night with my parents and also started paying […]

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Julian Assange

America’s “Justice System” is Far From Just

One of the basic duties of any government is to seek justice for its citizens and to establish a framework by which individuals who prey on others are held accountable for their actions. Such a framework should allow the accused to face their accusers and have their guilt or innocence considered by a neutral and […]

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Libertarian Party Shatters Records as Unprecedented Number of Libertarians Elected to Office

(Alexandria, VA) In a record-setting night, the Libertarian Party nearly doubles its number of elected officials across the country. The party estimates that voters across the United States elected approximately 150 candidates to office last night, with final totals expected to be much higher in the coming weeks due to close calls and write-in races. […]

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The Patriot Act: 20 Years of Government Spying on YOU

Twenty years ago today President George W. Bush signed the Patriot Act into law. The 52,000-word act sailed through Congress under the Orwellian title, “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001.” It passed the House of Representatives within 24 hours and was subsequently […]

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Libertarian Response Web

Libertarian Party Reaction to Biden’s Six Point COVID-19 Mitigation Plan

“This is not about freedom or personal choice.” -President Biden, 9/9/2021 In what appeared to be a haphazard address to the American people Thursday afternoon, President Biden unveiled his six-pronged COVID-19 mitigation plan aimed at stopping the spread of the Delta variant. However, instead of offering solutions centered around innovation in healthcare or empowering local […]

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War is Over — Again.

The United States’ war in Afghanistan is over. While there is much to say and much more that can never be put into words, let us be clear on this point: The Libertarian Party supports the full removal of US troops from Afghanistan and the end of this failed war. This war should never have […]

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LPNY Ballot Access (1)

The Sinister Attack on Ballot Access in New York

In 2018 the Libertarian Party of New York earned automatic ballot access for the first time in history thanks to the gubernatorial ticket of Larry Sharpe and Andrew Hollister. LPNY needed to gather a minimum of 15,000 signatures during a six-week period to get our statewide candidates on the ballot. In the end, we collected […]

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