LP Everywhere LP New Mexico

Event- Pagalo Adelante (Pay It Forward)

Date-August 24-August 25, 2019

Location- Deming Refugee Center, Deming NM

The Libertarian Party of New Mexico is proud to have hosted a 2 Day Fundraiser/Volunteer Weekend (Pay It Forward) to benefit the Deming Refugee/Migrant Shelter, The City of Deming, and Colores United on the 24th and 25th of August, 2019, in Deming NM.

This two day event was a Recognition and a Celebration of The Fundamental Libertarian Principle of Voluntaryism that the Town of Deming has embraced as well as the Libertarian Spirit of Humanitarianism.

We are all Humani(liber)tarians.


Radio/Podcast Host Pat Ford of Coalition Radio from Providence RI traveled to Deming and conducted a live, two day, nationally broadcast “Radiothon” from the Deming Refugee Center. Listener were enlightened about the Center and encouraged to support and donate directly to the Center. 

Libertarian Party Executive Director, Dan Fishman, came to Deming and pinned an LP Statue Of Liberty Pin on each departing Refugee.

Volunteers from the Libertarian Party of New Mexico and LPAZ and LPOH came and helped out at the Center, sweeping, mopping, cleaning, sorting donated clothes and supplies, assembling “travel packs” for departing refugees, and other duties as needed by the Center’s Directors.

The event raised in excess of $5,000.00 in support of the Center, as well as raising the awareness of Fundamental Libertarian Philosophy,  Libertarian Party, and the LPNM among the residents of Deming, as well as new arrivals to America.

The event demonstrated how a local affiliate and the National Party could work effectively together to further the goals of each organization. 

For legal and privacy reasons, (Fear of ICE), we could not show the faces of refugees.

