LNC Awards

Awards 2016

The Hall of Liberty

This award honors lifetime or significant achievement that has made a lasting impact on the Libertarian Party and/or libertarian movement.

Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award

This award recognizes outstanding leadership, high character, and dedication to the principles and goals of the Libertarian Party.

Patrick Henry Candidate Award

This award recognizes someone who ran a very effective campaign for public office at the state or federal level and in-so-doing represented Libertarian ideas, principles, and values.

Thomas Paine Communication Award

This award recognizes someone who ran a very effective campaign for public office at the state or federal level and in-so-doing represented Libertarian ideas, principles, and values.

Samuel Adams Activism Award

This award recognizes effective activism by building Party membership, organizing community outreach, or communicating Libertarian principles.

Benjamin Franklin Candidate Award

This award will be presented to the LP member who has run a very effective campaign for public office at the local level, while communicating Libertarian ideas, principles, and values.