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Libertarian Party

Arkansas LP back on the ballot

The Arkansas Secretary of State declared this week that the state Libertarian Party’s petition drive was a success, enabling the LP to run partisan candidates in the 2016 elections. The LPAR had to collect at least 10,000 signatures from registered voters within a 90-day window. This is the third straight general election cycle that the LPAR has […]

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Libertarian Party

Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bill lets foreign governments and foreign special interests control American medical care, banking, the Internet, and even civil liberties

For Immediate Release Friday, June 19, 2015 Republicans howled when Nancy Pelosi famously said, ‘We have to pass [Obamacare] so that you can find out what is in it.” Now GOP lawmakers, who control the U.S. House, are following suit in their passage of a new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill. After rejecting an earlier […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians Working For You show, with Carla Howell and Dr. Jim Lark

Today’s episode (6/17/2015) of Libertarians Working For You hosted by Arvin Vohra is now available online, with guests Carla Howell, Political Director for the Libertarian National Committee on freeing health care from government, and Dr. Jim Lark, Libertarian National Committee region five representative and former LNC chair, talking about government versus private regulations. Click here to listen.

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Libertarian Party

My favorite Libertarian activism ever?

Dear Libertarian, Here’s a way to promote Libertarianism AND get very positive feedback from the public. Keep reading to learn how to join me and Libertarians nationwide this July 4th to promote freedom in your city or neighborhood. I doubt you can find another outreach activity that will give you as much immediate positive feedback […]

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Libertarian Party

NPR report highlights more difficult ballot access requirements in Pennsylvania for alternative parties

WESA-FM in Pittsburgh ran a news story on 6/9 about the difficult ballot access requirements imposed on alternative political parties in Pennsylvania. The requirements for Democratic and Republican candidates are a cakewalk in comparison. In regularly-scheduled elections, parties that have 15% or more of the registered voters – a standard that only the Democratic and Republican Parties have been able […]

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Libertarian Party

The Dollar Vigilante running for office as a Libertarian in Canada

Jeff Berwick Jeff Berwick, who is the chief editor for the Dollar Vigilante, a well-known free market website, is running for office in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Mr. Berwick is a self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, and is running as a Libertarian for Vancouver Centre Riding. A riding is the Canadian equivalent of a congressional district in the US. […]

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