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Libertarian Party

Jesse Ventura Considering Run for President on the Libertarian Ticket

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura declared last week that he is considering a run for U.S. President in 2016 on the Libertarian ticket. In an interview with WCCO-TV, the Minneapolis CBS affiliate, Ventura said he is “seriously considering running for President,” and if he does, he “would seek the Libertarian nomination.” Click here to watch the […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian tax protester Irwin Schiff dies in prison

Libertarian Irwin Schiff, 87, who sought the LP nomination for president in 1996, passed away on October 16 while serving time in federal prison for refusing to pay the income tax.  “While many Libertarians differ with Irwin Schiff’s approach to fighting taxes, the treatment he received in court and in prison was appalling,” said LNC […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party: Stop Border Patrol drug-busting of U.S. citizens

For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 21, 2015 A CBP officer scans a car dashboard with a density meter in Arizona. Photo: Customs and Border Protection Washington, D.C. — Agents of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) in the southwestern United States are unconstitutionally harassing and detaining American citizens, on a fishing expedition for drug busts, […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Political Director Carla Howell interviewed on CCTV

Libertarian National Committee Political Director Carla Howell was interviewed last week on “The Heat,” hosted by Anand Naidoo on CCTV, a 24-hour English news channel, about non-establishment parties and the obstacles they face in running for office. Click here to watch the interview. Scroll down past still image on top to third clip (below Jesse Ventura).

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Libertarian Party

Washington Times contrasts LP frugality with Obama’s taxpayer-funded vacations

Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times mentions this weekend’s training session in today’s (10/16/15) “Inside The Beltway” column. She also compares the cost of the training and the frugality of Libertarians with the expenses of President Barack Obama, whose travel costs for fundraisers and golf vacations in Februrary and March alone cost taxpayers over $4 million. […]

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Libertarian Party

LEGALIZE FREEDOM winner of 2016 convention theme contest

LEGALIZE FREEDOM won, with $460 raised. Thanks to all who participated.  Full results from the 2016 convention theme contest fundraiser are below.  Defending Liberty ($275) Eternal Vigilance ($0) All Your Freedoms ($175) Advancing Liberty ($150) Winning Now ($30) Lighting Liberty’s Flame ($5) Legalize Freedom ($460) None of the Above (NOTA) ($235)

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Libertarian Party

Sputnik News Features LP Chair Sarwark on Trans-Pacific Partnership

Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian Party, expressed strong reservations about the nature of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.  TPP is the just-concluded mega-regional trade deal that now heads to Congress for an up-or-down vote. “Our concern with deals like the TPP is that rather than ‘free trade,’ they create a system of winners and losers negotiated in secret,” said […]

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Libertarian Party

Gallup Poll: Informed Americans Rate Both Parties in Congress Worse

A Gallup poll shows that the more Americans know about government, the more they disapprove of the Democrats and Republicans in charge. “The fundamental finding is that Americans who know the most about how Congress operates are not only the most negative about Congress in general, but also about the Republicans and Democrats in Congress […]

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